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What does potential determine?

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318732.6 in reply to 318732.5
Date: 5/12/2023 6:50:51 AM
Tampines Fusion
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ActiveSG Basketball Academy
I would refer to EBW's previous reply:
The cap does not relate directly to tsp or salary, as different skills impact salary differently for the listed positions that players are. (Passing on bigs is essentially a free skill much like inside shooting for guards).

Different skills have different weightage for different positions. You can refer to them here: (160760.16)

So let's say you train 5 players in jumpshots, each of them in different positions. All of them pop 1 skill point at Jump Shot the same time. However, that jump shot skill point doesn't count towards the potential cap as 1 skill point: PG would be like, 0.03 skill points, SG would be 0.107 skill points, SF will have 0.16 skill points, PF will have 0.078 skill points, and C will have 0.002 skill points.

So assuming all of them have like... 5% left on their cap, maybe the SF can only train 2 levels of JS before hitting the cap, while a SG can only train 2-3 levels. Meanwhile, C might be able to train 6-7 levels of JS before filling up that same 5%. Different skills have different percentage of impact on the cap. The cap depends on the type of skills, not purely tsp or salary.

*Note: the numbers above are not necessarily accurate, I just cooked them up to give you an idea of how things work.

That aside, do you need a ATG to get a 165 tsp player instead of a 156 tsp one? Well yea, considering the fact that the 165 tsp player you shared should have capped at 16 JS instead of 19, and the highest tsp I could achieve with HOF is 165, and that was only with 1 rebounding, which is impossible to achieve due to cross training.

That said, I think your actual question should be: how do I maximize my player's potential? The answer is train as many secondaries to take them more balance. Here is a more extremes example:
Player A:
Player B:

Both players are perfectly capped (meaning one less skill point and they become less than 100%). Player B is 1 level lower in IS and RB but in return, he has so much better outside skills. So a C with less primaries and more secondaries would be able to reach an even higher TSP before hitting the cap.

Last edited by BuzzRBeater at 5/12/2023 8:43:31 AM