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Players and positions

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From: Kukoc

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77299.5 in reply to 77299.4
Date: 2/28/2009 6:26:14 AM
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Height influences training speed. Big men train inside skills faster, short guys outside skills. So height is important.

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77299.7 in reply to 77299.6
Date: 3/8/2009 1:26:17 AM
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ok I've got one more question then:

So I have this rookie, Hernan Tuarez, whom i just put in the starting lineup and he's been tearing it up his last two games. Just noticed however that his position changed as of after my last game on 3-7-09. Also noticed another player on my team had his position switched as well, Williard Crews

Hernan Tuarez (6'4")- Shooting Guard
Williard Crews (6'7")- Small Forward

Tuarez-Small Forward
Crews- Shooting guard.

Can someone, preferably one of the GMs, tell me why this happened and for what purpose would it serve me? It's like they just switched positions. Tuarez was a tweener when it came to playing either SG or PG, but now he's been listed as a SF, which puts me at a slight disadvantage, plus I kind of don't like him listed as that either. Is that changeable?

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77299.8 in reply to 77299.7
Date: 3/8/2009 5:01:29 AM
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The suggested position is based on the player's skill set. When his skills change (thanks to training), his suggested position may also change. You don't need to worry about that, since the suggested position has no in-game effect.

I have never seen two players change positions the opposite way due to one training week. Did this change happen over several weeks?

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77299.9 in reply to 77299.8
Date: 3/8/2009 2:31:45 PM
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no this was definitley over a week training period. It literally changed as soon as my game ended yesterday, so I thought it was a little weird. So if the suggested postion is listed by the player, you are saying it wouldn't matter if I played Tuarez (at 6'4") at the SF position, would it really matter if he was undersized, or should I keep sticking him at the SG spot. I know you are supposed to play the people in the positions you think they should be in, but I'm wondering if it would have any difference if I played a 6'4" at small forward because a typical SF is between 6'6" and 6'9" in the pros, wondering if it would even make a difference.

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77299.10 in reply to 77299.9
Date: 3/8/2009 2:36:55 PM
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Height only affects training speed. Shorter players train somewhat faster in guard skills and taller players in big guy skills.

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77299.11 in reply to 77299.10
Date: 3/8/2009 4:06:57 PM
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good to know. Thanks a lot