I think I found another example:
(10660542)once again what bothers me is that the number just don't add up.
when I look at games that both teams don't play full court press you would see the numbers more or less even (2-4 ball p difference) but when the one of the teams plays full court press the numbers simply don't add up.
let say it like that so far all the games I checked that one team plays full court press usually I find out that 10-14 ball p are for the team that plays full court press.
a few answers about rebounds it doesn't matter if you gain OR or DR because with each ball p you get you would either TO or you would throw it at the basket.
(agreed except of the occasional 24 sec violation)
I have a better idea I should probably do something a bit better next week I'll add up 20 games of full court press and 20 games of other D (randomly and from all leagues) I'll post up the average of the ball p differences and the dif in each game.
either I'll be proven totally wrong or you might think that this needs to be checked.
just to make sure that this won't get screwed by one strong team or another all the games would be taken form dif teams and dif league (mine not included)
Last edited by Mod-oeuftete at 3/19/2009 8:09:03 PM