i think it would put rookie mananger at risk,becuase alot of rookie managers like myself didnt buy a good player we buy what we could afford. I trieid to build around a so and so player and the rest had with low salaries..
Now let say one of them blows up 24k wage a week. i cannt afford that so now im stuck with the guy,.It could 3-4 guys with skill increase(salary) of 25k or more in 2 season time . I have sell them and take lost or go bankrupt, with no money to get better players .. It will be draft dreaming for 4 seasons LOL
I like how it is.,. contracts would kill me right off this game, the game is hard enough with the snipper getting players you bid on at last seconds.. contacts its good idea but i like the way the game is i can earn money and survive by my own doing not my undoing of some contract.