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State of the Utopia

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From: Jay_m
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258224.50 in reply to 258224.49
Date: 6/13/2014 9:21:50 PM
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I haven't done a detailed analysis but there are 3 teams in my division and 1 in the other who could win but the number 1 seeds are clearly favored. Interestingly, the 7th place team in my division would make the playoffs in the other division.

From: AZ

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258224.52 in reply to 258224.51
Date: 6/20/2014 11:57:46 AM
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It's sort of like that in mine. One conference's playoff teams have significantly lower salaries than the other. It's all about luck of the draw.

Next season should be very interesting, as some teams aren't really doing any training. And at this level of competition, a simple season's worth of training can give you a huge leg up.

The best teams right now, are the ones who are buying short term players on a run for promotion. But who are the best D.IV teams going to be next season? The ones that went all out on arena's and building a bankroll? The ones who are focusing on training? The ones with veteran players who aren't 33+ yet? Some combo of all of the above?

Everyone started on the same foot, and there are wildly different strategies each team is employing. I mean, some have dumped what, 1.2 or 1.3 million into their arenas already?

From: Jay_m
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258224.53 in reply to 258224.52
Date: 6/22/2014 12:13:07 AM
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Although I was one of the supporters of putting people into existing divisions for their second team, I think Utopia has worked out nicely, especially in the development of different strategies. I'm in awe of those people who managed to do well in the tournament and still remained on top of their divisions.

I like to think I had a balanced strategy with two trainees and about 500k into my arena. I have a couple of old players who cost $100k of the $170k on players. I'm making $18k per week as against the league average of $61k so I'll have significantly less money than most others which may be a problem if I don't promote.