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268259.50 in reply to 268259.33
Date: 3/17/2015 9:49:28 PM
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A fixation is an obsession. It's not healthy.
Kind of like preacherman's incessant ad hominem attacks on the specific users -- not healthy either.
There fixed it for you ...

Yes, well done.

This Post:
268259.51 in reply to 268259.34
Date: 3/17/2015 9:57:04 PM
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Hey man let it go I understand your 100% correct, but the bb market is dead, there is no fix for it.

BB managers spite in economic buying of b3, killed the BB market. its about training they say, Lets add a tax to even the score. Since that awful day it been nothing but tax on top of taxes. Market in economic collapse

The market is dead lemonshine. and its not ever coming back. Its no easy fix to it

IMo theres nothing anyone can do. Beyond save and dont use the market, it sink or swim now

This Post:
268259.53 in reply to 268259.46
Date: 3/17/2015 10:16:31 PM
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Improvement for what more $ in your pocket.

I don't want improvement for the $$ screw that. I want improvement in training so the damn unused tactics work nothing more or less. Not to fill my wallet thats not hard to do. Having the same team for a few seasons instead selling them off you'll have money maybe not as much selling them for 2.5 million a piece. But you will see something in the millions.

The greed is just outrageous on this game. Before you open your mouth in a rebuttal I had 150 million with my last team on BB so I know all about the market. Look at my transfer history, yes ,i lost money, but look the player stats. go look at the buyer of them players stats..

That what's it about. they claim I don't train. they don't know sh__ about training to be asking for a tax with it. training players for certain tactics is not expensive for every position on the court, unless your over boosting skills.. Selling player will always be losing capitol in your in team finance and sometime its a bullet to sink your team. your always one sell/ purchase away from bankrupt on BB. Anyone telling you different is a damn liar.!!

My advice is sound don't spend. Don't use the market for profits. Rebuild don't mean spend, and you can in house finance a team and create millions. I've made more $$ from not using the market than using the market .

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 3/17/2015 10:26:30 PM

This Post:
268259.54 in reply to 268259.53
Date: 3/17/2015 11:29:04 PM
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Your posts are too long so I did not read it all but I want to point one fact in this discussion.

You are actually using your trainees in your games so it is not logical to use the total cost of training a player in determining the right amount of price for him. And one more thing, the salary of a player does not adjust during the season so the pop ups that you get in trainings will not be added to your salary during that season so you are actually saving some amount of money too.


This Post:
268259.58 in reply to 268259.44
Date: 3/18/2015 5:21:05 AM
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Personally speaking though, training is what I enjoy, so I would train regardless of how profitable it may or may not be.
The same applies to me. However I recognise that if you want to optimise you'll have to go with the most efficient way. In any case you can make that kind of money only with reasonably high potential trainees who require a higher initial investment. In order to make lower potential training profitable and more palatable to managers the fixed costs associated with training (the trainer) should be lowered some.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 3/18/2015 5:50:46 AM

This Post:
268259.60 in reply to 268259.59
Date: 3/18/2015 10:55:40 AM
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This phenomenon may subside in time. High TSP, low salary player go for a very high price tag because people are willing to pay for youth and low salary as well (on top of potential, of course) since nobody knows where the market is going and people are scared about how dead the TL is and how high the current inflation rate is. Here is another example:

However I invite you to read the discussion that ensued that sale here:

A +2 million profit can't probably be offset by banking and buying that's true, but a 1 million easily can and that's a safer option.

What do you think about allocating a part of the profit to previous trainers (ie. trainer 1 brings salary from 3k to 30k 50-90 TSP, trainer 2 brings it from 30k to 35k 90-93 TSP and resells the player, when trainer 2 sells the player a small part of his net profit or of the taxes goes to trainer 1 who has effectively done much of the training work ).

Last edited by Lemonshine at 3/18/2015 11:06:17 AM
