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transferlist/přestupy (thread closed)

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46248.50 in reply to 46248.5
Date: 2/9/2009 1:04:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

Juan Antonio Aguacero (2405012)

Tiro: fuerte Alcance de tiro: mediocre
Def. exterior: mediocre Manejo: mediocre
Penetración: mediocre Pases: mediocre
Tiro interior: inepto Def. interior: ridículo
Rebotes: inepto Tapones: ridículo
Resistencia: mediocre Tiros libres: inepto

Experiencia: ridículo

Julián Agustín (6415261)

Tiro: respetable Alcance de tiro: pésimo
Def. exterior: horrible Manejo: mediocre
Penetración: ridículo Pases: respetable
Tiro interior: inepto Def. interior: respetable
Rebotes: regular Tapones: respetable
Resistencia: horrible Tiros libres: mediocre

Experiencia: pésimo

Eric Freire (6893145)
Tiro: inepto Alcance de tiro: regular
Def. exterior: regular Manejo: horrible
Penetración: ridículo Pases: mediocre
Tiro interior: horrible Def. interior: horrible
Rebotes: horrible Tapones: mediocre
Resistencia: ridículo Tiros libres: pésimo

Experiencia: pésimo

Alberto Huaquil (6893135)

Tiro: respetable Alcance de tiro: inepto
Def. exterior: regular Manejo: ridículo
Penetración: inepto Pases: regular
Tiro interior: regular Def. interior: horrible
Rebotes: mediocre Tapones: mediocre
Resistencia: horrible Tiros libres: mediocre

Experiencia: pésimo

Tiro: respetable Alcance de tiro: inepto
Def. exterior: regular Manejo: ridículo
Penetración: inepto Pases: regular
Tiro interior: regular Def. interior: horrible
Rebotes: mediocre Tapones: mediocre
Resistencia: horrible Tiros libres: mediocre

Experiencia: pésimo

This Post:
46248.51 in reply to 46248.50
Date: 2/10/2009 9:03:19 AM
BC Hostivař
První liga
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Karol Kvarda (4810248)
CB Balsamaiso-Logroñes

Weekly salary:
$ 14 590
DMI: 286800
Age: 20
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: proficient

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: respectable
Driving: awful Passing: inept
Inside Shot: prominent Inside Def.: prominent
Rebounding: sensational Shot Blocking: strong
Stamina: strong Free Throw: mediocre

Experience: pitiful

Talent z mojí evidence pro potřeby U21, velmi slušné vnitřní skilly, ale díky hodně slabým vnějším nevím, jestli se prosadí do U21

This Post:
46248.52 in reply to 46248.51
Date: 2/15/2009 12:43:57 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Antoni GRZESKIEWICZ (6615409) - C, 19yo.

José FERNANDEZ (863771) - SF, strong in ID and OD!

Carlos MATIAS (2353086) - SG.

Matti METSANEN (7410510) - PG or SG.

Hyun-Min PARK (6921597) - C, 18yo, Hangkuk U21 team member!

Clive VENNEKOTTER (717219) - SF, PF or C... what else? :)

This Post:
46248.53 in reply to 46248.52
Date: 2/20/2009 10:47:29 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
C 20yo Calejo (7665998)

From: Fikus
This Post:
46248.54 in reply to 46248.39
Date: 2/23/2009 8:14:31 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Vuk Pejanovic ((8180762))
Weekly salary: $ 2 671
DMI: 0
Age: 18
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: atrocious Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: average Handling: pitiful
Driving: mediocre Passing: average
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: awful Free Throw: atrocious

Experience: atrocious

This Post:
46248.55 in reply to 46248.54
Date: 2/24/2009 10:17:28 AM
BC Hostivař
První liga
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Aleš Pražák (8189447)
Small Forward
Orlando Magic Cz

Weekly salary:
$ 6 234
DMI: 0
Age: 18
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: starter
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: awful Handling: average
Driving: average Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: inept
Stamina: awful Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: atrocious

Starting Price: $ 200 000
Auction Ends: 27/02/2009 10:25:03

První U21 naděje letošní draftu, která se ocitla na TL. Pokud by dotrénoval Outside Def. může mít v budoucnu naději na U21. Jinak by měl trénovat kromě pressure ze začátku hlavně one one one (buď pro PG/SG nebo i SF/PF).

Message deleted
This Post:
46248.57 in reply to 46248.53
Date: 2/24/2009 1:40:53 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hyun-Min Park (6921597)

Weekly salary: $ 8 802
DMI: 29500
Age: 19
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: atrocious Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: pitiful Handling: mediocre
Driving: pitiful Passing: inept
Inside Shot: strong +1 Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: strong Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: mediocre ↑ Free Throw: mediocre
Experience: atrocious

This player is on Hanguk's junior national team.

Auction Ends: 24/02/2009 21:30:39

Kev Wilde (6627308)

Weekly salary: $ 5 641
DMI: 47700
Age: 19
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: pitiful Handling: respectable
Driving: awful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: strong Inside Def.: average +1
Rebounding: respectable +1 Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocre ↑ Free Throw: average
Experience: atrocious

Auction Ends: 24/02/2009 21:30:01

This Post:
46248.58 in reply to 46248.50
Date: 2/24/2009 5:13:40 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
This Post:
46248.59 in reply to 46248.58
Date: 2/27/2009 5:25:38 AM
BC Hostivař
První liga
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Tohle je seznam hráčů, které naberu na týdenní update, který bude v noci z neděle na pondělí, abych uvedené hráče zachránil, protože pro neaktivitu manažerů tyto týmy zbotují, pokud se do té doby znova nepřihlásí. Tito hráči by pak měli být na trhu dostupní jako free agenti.

Oliver Zídek (8189425)
Alfons Holba (8189465)
Pravoslav Voda (8189698)
Pavel Šemetka (8189945)
Vratislav Altman (8189811)
Kamil Kohák (8189424)
Ferdinand Kašpar (8189681)
Tibor Mišák (7853224)
Michal Brezovák (7853225)
Leopold Tomecek (8189572)

Kromě 19 letých Mišáka a Brezováka jde o čerstvé 18 leté draftované hráče. Tomecek pravděpodobně nezbotuje, protože jeho majitel se přihlásil naposledy v hraničním termíny, který ještě nezbotuje, ale místo na soupisce je, tak ho raději vezmu taky, co kdyby náhodou.

A tohle je seznam hráčů z mé databáze českých talentů, kteří jsou momentálně na TL:

Slavoj Formánek (5985252)
Lubomír Brož (6893052)
Dominik Redaj (6917487)
Ervin Kubeš (4809741)
Petr Janku (8189486)
Zdenek Smékal (8188931)
Vojtěch Trojan (8189517)