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Training Speed Analysis (thread closed)

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381.503 in reply to 381.502
Date: 4/25/2008 12:42:33 PM
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this guy pops 4 times in OD in 5 pressure trainings?

Are you sure you didn't miss some information there?
Because it's more like 18 yo, PG only, lvl 10, 1 in 2 weeks, since your player is even 19/20 all this time, 4 out of 5 is very much, even with subskill training.

PG/SG takes even longer, 1 in 3, maybe 3 in 7 for 18yo.

And passing he pops 3 times in 3,2 training? 1 whole team training which adds not that much, 3 pg/sg trainings and 3 pops?

Even with subskill training, I think these numbers are very crazy.

Edit: Oops I didn't saw he was 20, I though he was 18 and 19, this makes it even more weird.

Last edited by BB-Patrick at 4/25/2008 1:14:15 PM

This Post:
381.504 in reply to 381.502
Date: 4/25/2008 12:56:13 PM
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If your observations of the effects of One-on-one training are accurate, then JS traning for guards just became obsolete.

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381.505 in reply to 381.12
Date: 4/25/2008 1:36:32 PM
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I have just trained One on One for my guards, first week, and gotten 5 pops. a 19 y/o PG popped in JS DR and HD, a 21 y/o pop to strong in DR, and a 21 y/o SG whom is now a SF popped to inept in HD. The 19 y/o poped to average in JS and DR and inept in HD. And it was only my first week training One on One. BTW I have a level 7 trainer.

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381.506 in reply to 381.505
Date: 4/25/2008 2:09:23 PM
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It's not just guards.

I've just completed a little four week experiment in 1v1 training. I have a level 9 trainer, and an entire squad (nearly) of youngsters. Therefore I've been experimenting at training the entire team.

My findings are:
Wk 1
4 pops in Handling
6 pops in Driving

Wk 2
3 pops in Handling
5 pops in Driving
1 pop in Jump Shot

Wk 3
4 pops in Handling
3 pops in Driving
2 pops in Jump Shot

Wk 4
5 pops in Driving
3 pops in Handling.

By the end of the fourth week, my pops per player were:


Every player in my squad had popped in DR by the third week, and those who popped in week 1 popped again in week 4, so it looks like pretty exactly 3 weeks to pop in DR if the whole team is trained. Nearly everyone got a pop in HN after 3 weeks, but only one player has had a second HN pop, so I think that's more like 3 and a bit weeks. Only a quarter of my team have popped in JS (a shooting guard, a small forward and a power forward, so position isn't much of a guide), so that implies a training rate of about 16 weeks.

According to the first post in the thread, the expectations from training two positions are:

Trains DV @ 2-3 weeks
Trains HN @ 3-4 weeks
Trains IS @ 7-8 weeks
Trains JS @ 7-8 weeks

Trains DV @ 1.8 weeks
Trains HN @ 2.3 weeks
Trains IS @ 7-8 weeks
Trains JS @ 7-8 weeks

If that is true, my regime above trains five positions (i.e. 5/2 of the impact) but the reduction in effectiveness is nowhere near 2/5. My results show almost no reduction in DV results, a little reduction in HN results, and some significant reduction in JS results (to maybe half as effective. I have seen no pops in IS as a result of 1v1 training.

In other words training the whole team is much more effective overall than just training two positions. This runs counter to the 'received wisdom' on the forum. Over four weeks I've got 36 pops. I don't think you could match that training just one or two positions. So I think it's time for a re-think about this.

I've now trained two techniques on a whole team basis: 1v1 and jump shot. Both seem to show more improvement spread across all the players than I had expected.

Finally, the figures seem to support the theory that changing training rapidly pays off. I got ten pops in the first week, then 9, then 9, then 8. Possibly that's just because I had more players in the first week or shared the minutes out better, but I think it also relates to the 'balancing' training issue.

This Post:
381.507 in reply to 381.506
Date: 4/25/2008 2:18:22 PM
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If I get it right you have no player that has poped twice on the same ability. In other words all pops you have experienced could have been from an already high level, thus it does not tell that much. The interesting thing is to see how much time it takes between the first and second pop.

This Post:
381.508 in reply to 381.503
Date: 4/25/2008 2:35:50 PM
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He jumped in Passing only once... Other two were pops in Handling, when I was training Passing...

I follow training strictly and these are correct numbers...

I think OD can be easily explained... BBs said that, if player has one important Skill much lower then other, that Skill will train a lot faster... His other Skills were far better then OD, and I think that's the reason he had 4 pops in 5 trainings... Other players had 3 or 2 pops, which is also pretty good...

And for JS I'm pretty sure... Just look to Miško's training, and you'll see how much he improved, and I trained JS only once...

One on One for Guards is the fastest training I know, and I'll say it looks like this:

DV: 2 weeks
HN: 2-3 weeks
JS:: 2-3 weeks

Maybe it's a little bit slower now since they reduced training speed a couple of weeks ago...

This Post:
381.509 in reply to 381.507
Date: 4/25/2008 2:49:45 PM
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If I get it right you have no player that has poped twice on the same ability. In other words all pops you have experienced could have been from an already high level, thus it does not tell that much. The interesting thing is to see how much time it takes between the first and second pop.

How don't you see... He had 5 players popped twice in Driving, and he had 10, 9, 9 and 8 pops in these 4 weeks... Pretty much for Team training... 36 pops in 4 weeks... And Driving is pretty important Skill, it leads to many easy lay-ups and dunks... I think for the attack, One on One is best training you can choose...

Last edited by Bevzil at 4/25/2008 2:52:30 PM

This Post:
381.510 in reply to 381.509
Date: 4/25/2008 2:54:44 PM
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Sorry I missed that, so drivng seems to train prety fast indeed. I dont know how I missed that. Might be the beer.

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381.511 in reply to 381.509
Date: 4/25/2008 3:15:13 PM
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Hmm ok about the passing, but I still can't imagina the OD.
Is it right that I count 19 pops?

Imo 19 pops in 22 weeks for a 20 yo player is a lot. If this information is right BB should really fix something at the training of guards, because that's going way too fast then.

Last edited by BB-Patrick at 4/25/2008 3:16:28 PM

This Post:
381.513 in reply to 381.512
Date: 4/25/2008 3:17:57 PM
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of course, but still..
