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Suggestions > Minor suggestions 3

Minor suggestions 3 (thread closed)

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273519.507 in reply to 273519.506
Date: 3/20/2017 4:44:28 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Very good idea ! :)

This Post:
273519.509 in reply to 273519.508
Date: 4/4/2017 5:45:11 PM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
Good idea. Though I think as long as there's no bid I don't see why a player can't be withdrawn for the first 24 hours of a sale. It once took me much longer than an hour to realise I'd listed a player for 18 million instead of 1.8 million.

From: Tuck

This Post:
273519.511 in reply to 273519.506
Date: 4/9/2017 4:38:37 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

It will be possible to place the links of the matches of the two national teams just as appear the league teams . Here is an example of how it would look:

My idea is to encourage and assist the presence of more users in national team matches during live games.


I like this idea, but i think this might be too "intrusive" to player that are not (and do not want to be) interested in NT.

I initially came here for 2 minor suggestions, and your might be included in one i wanted to suggest.


Minor suggestion #1 : an improved "news" page
Please, add a scrolling menu, that allow us to chose between the kind of informations diplayed as "Headlines".
Some examples of choices would be :
- All
- Achievements
- Injuries
- Market transactions
- National Teams
- Press Announcements

In these headlines, i think that a report of the previous games of the NT should be added, that can help to see informations on NT, but in an softer way i think than displaying it all the time on the right column.
Example :
"France U21 lost versus XXX 78-85" (on click, link to the boxscore)
"France won versus XXX 90-73"

Every Monday, just after Economy update, a headline could appear as :
"Your NT plays versus XXX today at 17h30" (on click, link to live)

Finally, you could also add more choices in the "preferences".
Currently, there are these choices :
News headlines :
- Headlines from buddies
- Headlines from leaguemates

Please add one for each topic of the menu (if the menu won't be added) :
- Headlines from NT
- Headlines for Achivements
- headlines for market transactions
- ...
I think these features might help to have a news page more attractive, more useful, and yet let players decide what they want to see or not. (whether it is via menu or options)

Minor suggestion #2 : an improved "arena" page
Same here, a simple scrolling menu, to choose what king of game history we want to see !
(hell, i think that cup games and private league games have nothing to do here, they do not help in anyway how to estimate tickets prices !)
scrolling menu :
- All
- Cup
- League
- Playoffs / Relegation
- Private League

Here are the current ideas that i think are not to complicated but can help to go on improving the game ?

This Post:
273519.512 in reply to 273519.511
Date: 4/9/2017 3:33:54 PM
Spartan 300
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
I would like to see those headlines about the NT and U21 for sure.

This is where we hold them!
From: GM-Kareem

To: Tuck
This Post:
273519.514 in reply to 273519.511
Date: 4/12/2017 10:51:29 AM
Leones del Cinaruco
Overall Posts Rated:
I like this one. Maybe you can add this post to my thrrsd "More News". Maybe the impact will be bigger...

This Post:
273519.515 in reply to 273519.514
Date: 4/17/2017 6:02:33 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
What about introducing defensive player of the season and first five if the season? There is only MVP now. These new categories could be taken into account on Weekly Merchandise profit, so it might be important also economically.

This Post:
273519.516 in reply to 273519.515
Date: 4/17/2017 9:54:09 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
Overall Posts Rated:
In fact... it already does

From: G_v_M

This Post:
273519.517 in reply to 273519.1
Date: 4/19/2017 8:51:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
what about restarting all the game? deleting all the actual teams.. so that everyone would start again.. no more computer managed teams so that way everyone will play vs everyone.. its sad to see that in cup matches division 1 teams play against compter managed teams and i play vs a real manager and im losing too... i know that would beannoying for the old players, but but the new players barely stand a chance in front of them..

Or maibe you can create another server.. Like Server 2 wherre everyone starts from 0... and after that we can see the real skill of any manager... no more great players playing in low divison no more inflation...

What about that?
maibe the 2nd ideea is better
