Looking very very tight and even on the ABBL ladder at the moment.
Anyone able to frame a market that would give the odds of each team winning this seasons championship?
Does anyone have a read on Stone Slashers?
Got bored so here it goes for a market;
5 to 2 - Aussie
3 to 1 - Immortals, Urmummas
4 to 1 - BLS
9 to 2 - Koops
8 to 1 - Dropouts
12 to 1 - YP Bears, HA, Stone Slashers
16 to 1 - Pancakes, Seagulls
33 to 1 - B Spurs
66 to 1 - Ants
100 to 1 - Homa Axis (HA the 2nd), Goldfish
250 to 1 NC Cavaliers
Last edited by Sid Vicious at 4/16/2014 4:46:23 AM