I see a fairly direct relation between the number of users in a country and the relative strength of its teams. For example, the newest promoted team in Japan d.1 has an average salary of $5000. The newest promoted team in Italy d.1 has an average salary of over $30,000. Not that average salary is the best or only method of defining quality, but it is a start and the suggested method in the game rules for determining which players should play.
I think the reason for this change is to help the better teams from bigger countries compete with the better teams from countries with little or no competition. Because a country has one or two or four good teams doesn't mean it should have a similar revenue stream as a country with 50 or 60 or 100 good teams.
Last edited by somdetsfinest at 6/4/2009 12:59:11 AM
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.