A totally different problem and way out of control right now. 7.043 billion people is way too much do you propose executing say 6 billion (7 Earths argument) to make things better because killing a few million will do nothing. Where shall we start? I never liked France much...
In theory, yes we should execute billions. However, humans are often more emotional than rational, so there would be complaints regarding this. A more practical solution might involve requiring a parenting license to have children, or some sort of forced sterilisation type situation. Unless you have a better solution?
As for where you would start, it would be based (ideally) on ability or value to society. Unless you have a better system by which people ought to be executed?
We certainly need to kill the disabled. Old need to go. Perhaps anyone that has an IQ below 120. Short people, any man under 6' but hot chicks are ok. Forced sterilisation for anyone that didn't vote Liberal. Also there are too many Asians. Lets have a lottery and kill 90%. Can do the same for Africa. All Jews and Muslins and Buddhists and what the heck anyone that is not part of our oficial state religion.
haha you are being facetious but you are on the right track. You shouldn't be sterilised or killed for the way you vote or your religion, and IQ should be changed to 100 instead of 120, and height should be 4' instead of 6', and it shouldn't be based on race, only on ability. It might not happen in the next decade, or maybe not even in the next 50 years, but I'm almost certain it will happen within the next hundred.
If Herr Naker was in charge of the world we would be living in the worst Orwellian nightmare I can imagine.
That depends on whether you consider Orwell's world to have been a bad one or not.
This is the exact problem with law school, they don't teach history. 99% of things Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin did were perfectly legal and the lawyers got rich creating hell on earth.
People can learn history in high school and on their own time. Hitler was supported by a large number of people in Germany if I remember correctly? Regardless, the main problem with always looking backwards is that you become afraid to look to the future. Afraid to try anything that has been tried before simply because, "It didn't work last time."