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BB España > [CAT] Catalunya CUP

[CAT] Catalunya CUP (thread closed)

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From: Kalol

This Post:
16972.52 in reply to 16972.50
Date: 2/27/2008 9:46:18 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ulu ulu!! que fort!
i aixo??
wenu es igual...
recrdeu que hi ha ja un forum en catala aviam si l'animem!

This Post:
16972.53 in reply to 16972.52
Date: 2/28/2008 10:30:27 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Puc entrar? O tancareu en 16 participants?

1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5. kalol-------C.E.B. Ronçana------III.14
6. poma_mid ---All Has A Limit ---V.81
7. cat-xarlione----dimonis1----IV.46
8 allen376------Latrell-----------III.10
9 FrEaK------ Lucios team----- IV 64
10. eiqtal------Vilmaöwpendedor-----III.9
12.Tatsuya_U----- Tatsuya CB ---- III.4
13. pizzi ---- Soltura C.B. ---- V.13
14. The Quik ---- Los Cortacesped ---- V.14
15. Asahina..........Daidoji Harriers .................... España V.46
16. jòquer ....... Esportiu Vallhonrat .......... II.4
17. futsal17 --- Bac de Roda CB --- IV.4

From: Kalol

This Post:
16972.54 in reply to 16972.53
Date: 2/29/2008 3:21:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I perque no seguim amb aquest fil al forum en català?? que esta desert!!

From: Leucaruth

This Post:
16972.55 in reply to 16972.54
Date: 3/1/2008 12:02:25 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
quin es el fòrum en català?

From: Kalol

This Post:
16972.56 in reply to 16972.55
Date: 3/1/2008 5:35:42 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1-Posa¡t a forums
2-entra a "troba més carpetes
3-posa "help folders"
4-el vinté hi diu "ajuda català"
5-Hi cliques i apa
6-posa'l (si vols) a carpetes favorites

From: TheQuik
This Post:
16972.57 in reply to 16972.56
Date: 3/1/2008 8:31:50 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Aviseu amb temps el dia del torneig, de mentre anire concertan amistosos!

This Post:
16972.58 in reply to 16972.57
Date: 3/17/2008 7:38:04 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
puc participar?

From: Pelukhin

This Post:
16972.59 in reply to 16972.11
Date: 3/22/2008 7:20:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
M´agrada ...compteu amb un passarell recent inscrit ..

LLISTA D'EQUIPS INSCRITS: feu un copiar, pegar i afegiu-vos'hi
1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5.5o&Tapa Old Boys---Pelukhin---V.82

salut !

This Post:
16972.60 in reply to 16972.59
Date: 3/22/2008 7:27:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
M'agradaría participar a la Copa Catalunya

LLISTA D'EQUIPS INSCRITS: feu un copiar, pegar i afegiu-vos'hi
1. gerjo ------------------ sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth------------ Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort ----------------- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team-------eric3-----------V.60
5. 5o&Tapa Old Boys---Pelukhin-------V.82
6. Easyriders------------Chopper--------III.13

Per cert Peluhkin, jo avui també he perdut amb un Unicaja de Malaga...

Last edited by Chopper at 3/22/2008 7:32:55 PM

From: Latrell

This Post:
16972.61 in reply to 16972.60
Date: 3/23/2008 6:24:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
M'agradaría participar a la Copa Catalunya

LLISTA D'EQUIPS INSCRITS: feu un copiar, pegar i afegiu-vos'hi
1. gerjo ------------------ sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth------------ Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort ----------------- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team-------eric3-----------V.60
5. 5o&Tapa Old Boys---Pelukhin-------V.82
6. Easyriders------------Chopper--------III.13

This Post:
16972.62 in reply to 16972.61
Date: 3/23/2008 10:22:46 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Que no hi havia ja una llista de 16 jugadors que estava tancada????

Per si un cas, jo m'apunto, que m'agrada la idea.

LLISTA D'EQUIPS INSCRITS: feu un copiar, pegar i afegiu-vos'hi
1. gerjo ------------------ sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth------------ Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort ----------------- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team-------eric3-----------V.60
5. 5o&Tapa Old Boys---Pelukhin-------V.82
6. Easyriders------------Chopper--------III.13
8. Deivad-----------Alcardete Sport-----IV.4
