Where are you going with this? I can't really hone in on your central point. Are you criticizing us because we're "cookie cutter LI" or are you complimenting us because we have smart users? Are you for LI or against LI?
Culture change is a sports term.
IMO currently Team USA is very LI cookie cutter based. Very focused on the theory of punt the things which it is believed don't matter...jack up the super stats, OD IS etc.
All I am certain I will do with my SF is give him solid defence, including a good SB focus. offensively I wont jack up his IS mor ethan it is free to do...which is still alot so it will be high...PA is cheaper than JR/JS so if that is somethign that works for team USA...jacking up his PA to PG level (but on a SF) is doable...
Can you reconcile these two things for me? It seems like you're criticizing us for being a "cookie cutter LI" team, but you're creating a SF with low JS/JR and high PA/IS. What offense do you propose we play? And which skills are you training that we don't think matter?
Also, we still haven't yet created players with all the skills we think matter, especially with the bigs. It will be a while before we start creating players that have so much training time we can spend it on things we don't think matter. Maybe they'll let us draft a 16 year old next season and we'll give it a go.
So with a GE change if USA is interested in building something different..
We will see how the GE changes play out, and we will adjust if we need to. We're always looking for different types of players.
Last edited by magiker at 6/17/2013 1:29:51 PM