Having a selfish protest
Selfish protest? I do it for everyone:-) In fact, the delays aren't good for me, for you and all the community as well as BBs
removing your supporter won't help them
I never said I want to remove supporter. I said I want to encourage the game creators to do more to solve problems. I don't want to destroy. I expect progress.
The BBs are trying their best with what they have.
I hope:-)...I wish they would have succeeded in solving problems as soon as possible.
Have some patience you guys, training delays are frustrating but aren't that big of a deal. Stay patient and trust the BBs.
Patience has its limits. I can understand that problems can appear from time to time...We haven't had training on time since several weeks. That's why I decided that BBs need encouragement;-)
Last edited by kozlik4 at 11/7/2011 6:42:10 PM