2. Chicken Hawks, 15.219
They've really had a good season, and I know they weren't planning on it. Brining in another stud big man will make things interesting with the Traptors. We'll see if either team has any plans for further acquisitions before the deadline.
I know it looks like I am going for the promotion, but on my weekly tour through the Free Agents I found this 25 year old center that was not bid on, and he has pretty good skills. I placed a bid early in the day, and didn't know I won the bid until the next morning. Sometimes you just gotta be lucky. I might look to see what I can get for him on the TL in a few weeks when the transfer tax goes down.
So the addition makes my team better, and I am going to try and win, but I'm not planning on it. HCA for Traptors will decide it easily for our match up. Plus I think I need another season of training until my trainees can be useful in D2.
Good luck to everyone down the stretch...