So you think that you can get a MVP pot. player up to 110-120 TSP by 26 with a level 4 trainer? That is crazy talk!!....even with the perfect height/ and a starting TSP of 65(that would be 5 averages and 5 respectables)....and I am not talking about 20 driving and 20 handles, I'm talking about primaries with great secondaries.....example
a 6'6 SF/PF with 120 TSP at 26
Jump Shot: tremendous Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: tremendous Handling: tremendous
Driving: wondrous Passing: strong
Inside Shot: marvelous Inside Def.: prodigious
Rebounding: wondrous Shot Blocking: strong
That would be impossible with a level 4 trainer...
Common knowledge is this....all great NT level players are built with level 6 or 7 trainers.
As a U-21 manager, I tell all the owners of my U-21 players....5 is cool, 6 is great, 7 is the best
most guys with 4's, their players get left behind. and when the Level 7 trainer owners start submitting their data, you will see a big difference.