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Overextention tax

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252784.52 in reply to 252784.50
Date: 12/28/2013 10:11:54 AM
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You're right on both things. It's just that the BBs are contradictory. They follow the common sense logic, not the strict logic.

Yes, the first economic update was 23rd. However, in this case they consider the next Monday to be the first of this season. Why? Well, it's the first economic update, with the new salaries.

Yes, veterans wage drop isn't included into training exemption. It states that players salaries are taken upon their joining. It would mean that salary drops are included. However, since it's a training exemption, naturally, only the positive players are included.

Basically, if the site was run by a mathematician, or anyone who read Euclid's Geometry, there wouldn't be any logical contradictions. Unfortunately, it isn't the case :)

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252784.53 in reply to 252784.49
Date: 12/28/2013 10:19:00 AM
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This means i can have like 550k roster without paying luxury tax, atlast training got benefitial

True, but then you'll still lose money just like S25 and before, and a lot of money at that

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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252784.54 in reply to 252784.51
Date: 12/28/2013 10:28:22 AM
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But the players needs to be a team´s rookie to have the salary exception? for example, if you buy a 18 years old player whose salary is 5k and train it until his salary goes to 100k you have the 95k salary exception or not? because the announce does not say that has to be your rookie, does it?
And where do you see your trainig exception? because I don´t see it or I don´t have it.

it does not need to be your rookie. It has to be someone you trained. So if you get a 20k center and turn him into a 200k center and you never have to be bothered by this tax again because you will be plus 180k bonus.

you can do a "mouse-over" in the economy page where you have this tax.

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252784.55 in reply to 252784.54
Date: 12/28/2013 10:34:02 AM
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There is a team here in Japan that trains for the NT......his Training exemption is 337K. Damn, he can do some damage.

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252784.57 in reply to 252784.56
Date: 12/28/2013 12:33:58 PM
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So what happens in weeks where you have 0 home games vs. weeks where you have 2 home games?

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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252784.59 in reply to 252784.58
Date: 12/28/2013 12:36:14 PM
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Thank you kind sir EGM.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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252784.61 in reply to 252784.4
Date: 12/28/2013 1:44:56 PM
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That only applies to the over extension tax though right? he would still count as 120K towards total expenditures.

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252784.62 in reply to 252784.61
Date: 12/28/2013 1:46:25 PM
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Correct. 120k toward expenses. But only 3k towards taxable value.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.