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Suggestions > Make shotblocking skill useful

Make shotblocking skill useful

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From: Opalla
This Post:
67475.53 in reply to 67475.52
Date: 1/8/2009 4:17:39 PM
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Or exclude SB from salary and potential calculation till it works.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
67475.54 in reply to 67475.53
Date: 1/8/2009 4:25:50 PM
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and make it a guard training where it works a bit^^

This Post:
67475.55 in reply to 67475.49
Date: 1/8/2009 6:38:50 PM
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Who said anything about fixing a bug? And how is anticipating the need for better coding and adjusting accordingly 'wrong' - you can't adopt that position, I'd sugest, until the end game is played out. We ain't there yet.

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67475.57 in reply to 67475.56
Date: 1/8/2009 7:05:32 PM
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No it doesn't. If the code doesn't reflect NBA stats, it needs fixing. Mind you, I'm an artist and you're a scientist, so arguing the semantics could take a long, long time. Not least because the words have different meaning to logical thinkers that they do to empathetic-oriented communicators. Yes, 'fix' can mean mend, it can also mean to put in good order - and shot blocking is currently out of order. Recognising that, identifying it must be improved upon (better?) and anticipating the final position is good Game Theory.

This Post:
67475.59 in reply to 67475.58
Date: 1/8/2009 8:05:12 PM
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fk it, leave it alone then ;-)

This Post:
67475.60 in reply to 67475.59
Date: 1/8/2009 9:28:55 PM
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Then how is it that i have a colosel SB player that blocked 3 in one game and also a SG with respctaple SB that blocked 3 times it the same game with less min played? realistic? NOT!!!
