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Are transfer prices finally dropping?

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135029.53 in reply to 135029.51
Date: 3/22/2010 9:59:45 AM
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Why not?
Supply of players that you can buy for a reasonable price will be doubled if not will triple..
That the struggle on each player will be less like in the past and it will lead to a significant price reduction ..

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135029.54 in reply to 135029.53
Date: 3/22/2010 11:16:06 AM
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I think that there is even other option. Club which buy a player have to pay him right away his wage tripled. I think that everyone will think more about high salary if notice that just for the transfer has to pay 3 x 150k in advance... it would kill also other problems.

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135029.55 in reply to 135029.52
Date: 3/22/2010 1:00:44 PM
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I see that tha announced rise of the salary will not happen

Where did you read this?

I don't understand why the salaries should really raise.The measures chosen to solve the problem of inflation left the same previous situation:who has previously the money became richer,who had to fight in a more competitive contest has the same previous difficulties to raise money
And surely a raise of the salaries will damage more who is living in a worst situation

Ok - so there wasnt an announcement, its purely your opinion. (no problem here.. just making sure)

Don't worry,it is just my opinion
But it would be the death of ever NT team in the world(how a team,also a farm,could maintain a player like Cardenas with his salary rtaised of the 15%?)

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135029.56 in reply to 135029.55
Date: 3/22/2010 2:36:08 PM
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And the first consequence coming right now, at this moment lot of high salarys players are trying to be sold on the transfer market 80k+ so...

We can say its the first crisis on BB on the TL? :=)?

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135029.59 in reply to 135029.58
Date: 3/22/2010 3:05:03 PM
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I saw a guy today who would have normally gone for 8+ million last season go for 6 million. I almost put a bid down on him but I said to myself: how low can this go? (not to mention that SG is not really a position of need for me) By the way, 5 million for a 90K salary SG with decent secondaries was unheard of in last season's market. And you were lucky if you could find 1 player like that on the transfer list per week.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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135029.61 in reply to 135029.60
Date: 3/22/2010 6:35:34 PM
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I still think that is a normal drop in prices after the transfer deadline...no one knows for sure what will happen until salaries are updated and we start seeing top players on the TL

Weird isnt it.. that you get a lull ahead of anticipated wage hikes with the expectation that the most expensive (in general best) players will soon hit the market.

IF only there was a way to calculate salary based on efficiency: Mono-skilled players could be calculated with more weighting/cost on their highly trained skills with more balanced players actually reducing in wages the more balanced their skills are.

eg. Triple Prodigious ID/IS/RB with Pitiful PA/JS/HD = $250k
Triple Prodigious ID/IS/RB with Strong PA/JS/HS = $150k (very crude example)

At least this way an expensive wage player can be saved off the transfer list with some careful training OR you could continue to add primary skills later on if you dedicated sufficient time to other more difficult training.

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135029.62 in reply to 135029.61
Date: 3/22/2010 6:54:52 PM
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I still think that is a normal drop in prices after the transfer deadline...no one knows for sure what will happen until salaries are updated and we start seeing top players on the TL

Weird isnt it.. that you get a lull ahead of anticipated wage hikes with the expectation that the most expensive (in general best) players will soon hit the market.

IF only there was a way to calculate salary based on efficiency: Mono-skilled players could be calculated with more weighting/cost on their highly trained skills with more balanced players actually reducing in wages the more balanced their skills are.

eg. Triple Prodigious ID/IS/RB with Pitiful PA/JS/HD = $250k
Triple Prodigious ID/IS/RB with Strong PA/JS/HS = $150k (very crude example)

At least this way an expensive wage player can be saved off the transfer list with some careful training OR you could continue to add primary skills later on if you dedicated sufficient time to other more difficult training.

That should be a penalty for tha players who unluckily born with very ad secondary skills
A users should think about salaries without waiting a punishment by someone.As you certainly know,the two players you shows in the exampole,in the actual system yet have the same salary,but the second is much more stronger than the first.

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135029.63 in reply to 135029.62
Date: 3/22/2010 7:30:35 PM
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I know they have almost the same salary - my point was if the wage calculation differed this 'may' encourage more thoughtful training.

If you knew you could build up a triple stupendous big man and it would cost you $325k a week without secondaries but you knew he would cost you $225k with reasonable secondaries 1) You could tailor your training / economy to budget for this + you could look at any investment as viable for the long term rather than looking upon someone as a 'quick fix' to win you a couple of games knowing that you would likely have to sell the player in question on shortly after.
