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42 sezonas

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293538.53 in reply to 293538.52
Date: 5/30/2018 4:59:20 AM
BC Orgryte Swedbank
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Joo, lucky you, gerai su burtais paėjo :)

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293538.54 in reply to 293538.4
Date: 5/30/2018 10:15:22 AM
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Deja Apalais nepavyko apginti Snaiperio vardo. Turime nauja, Taikliaja Rankele, Dirck Portisch (BC Miami Cold).
Beje, Lewis paseno? vos 16 pts surinko ir liko paskutinis

This Post:
293538.55 in reply to 293538.1
Date: 5/30/2018 12:25:00 PM
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Na va, Rytai laimejo pries Vakarus ir Apalais MVP. Kur trofejai ir piniginiai prizai?

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293538.56 in reply to 293538.54
Date: 5/30/2018 12:30:36 PM
Mamba LT
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Kad nieko neduoda už tą MVP žvaigždžių dienos ar tritaškių konkursą tai ir nesistengė Lewis :D Šiaip dar pagal duomenis tai nepasenes :D

This Post:
293538.57 in reply to 293538.1
Date: 5/31/2018 1:19:48 PM
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Stai ir burtai, jau neblabai kokie... LBBL komanda, plius man isvykoje Teks susikoncentruoti i lyga

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293538.58 in reply to 293538.1
Date: 6/5/2018 5:42:26 PM
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Siandien truputi nepaejo runtynes pries EA7.. Echhh.. Gaila.. Bent jau Noobeliai irgi taskus dalina

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293538.59 in reply to 293538.58
Date: 7/2/2018 3:58:21 AM
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Sveiki, gal kas samdetes nauja personala? Nesidomejau, bet aktualu kokia itaka komandai tures ju buvimas? Ar nebus pinigu ismetimas i ora :)

This Post:
293538.60 in reply to 293538.59
Date: 7/2/2018 5:59:37 AM
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Sveikas. Padarysiu copy-paste, tikiuosi supranti angliskai As pats kol kas nesisamdziau

Youth Trainer - only 18 and 19 year old players will benefit from this guy, but he'll focus only on them, give them extra training while the main trainer is busy with the rest of the team. He'll give them that all important training boost that just might make them eligible for a NT call-up (eventually!). But to really feel the change, only top level youth trainers should be hired, and those will cost you a lot though.

Sports Psychologist - game shape is such a volatile factor. Sometimes, no matter the minutes, some of your most important players just can't hit their best form in the worst of times like the playoffs, etc... This is where this guy comes in handy - he'll make sure they have their heads straight and will help keep their form up at all times, even if the minutes are suboptimal.

Nutritionist - let's face it, stamina drops are a drag. Having to spend valuable training weeks on keeping the stamina up is even worse! This is where proper nutrition helps - having someone plan the meals can really slow down the stamina drop rate, and high level nutritionists can even stop the decay completely! The best ones can even give it a boost!

There are some differences to the secondary staff from the original ones: they, obviously, don't really need to be hired at all and you can get rid of them any time and they won't be replaced by anyone which can save you some money. You still need to pay their severance money, so make sure to take that into your calculations.

These guys might be expensive, it's true - but only the richest and best teams get to have them all the time - others will have to plan and manage the weeks when they hire them.

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293538.61 in reply to 293538.60
Date: 7/2/2018 12:53:04 PM
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Dekui ;) db aiskiau

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293538.62 in reply to 293538.61
Date: 7/2/2018 5:00:09 PM
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Visada prasom

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293538.63 in reply to 293538.62
Date: 7/3/2018 12:35:56 PM
Mamba LT
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ErelisLT liko po vieną žingsnį nueiti ir būtume finale, to ir linkiu mums :D Šiaip EA7 favoritas, šiemet turi puikią komandą+namų aikštės pranašumą, bet stengsiuosi sukovoti :)
