A shame, if the bot replacement team I trounced gets promoted and I don't, that's strike one against BuzzerBeater.
I waited for six, seven strikes against Hattrick over three seasons before quitting in disgust, I won't hang on that long with BB.
not so sure the bot team gets promoted, since they are doing the opposite, getting the bot teams down...
In your ire (perhaps justified) you missed my entire point that the team is not a bot, it is a replacement owner who is being given credit for finishing with the most wins when the hard work was done by an owner who thought so little of finishing first that he quit.
You have stated that the team with the most wins gets the promotion. The team in my conference with nominally the most wins replaced the team that logged the most wins. That team is not as strong as either of the conference finalist, Exhibit A being my 38 point win. Surely either conference finalist is a better bet to hang on in the Third Division.
Plus, both conference finalists have been playing since Nov 2. The new team joined in early January. I think the ultimate goal of BB is to become a going concern. To do that, you need more people to become supporters. Which group of owners is more likely to pay $40? Newbies in their first month? Or owners in their third month who are building solid programs?
Food for thought and comment.
As to my decision to stay, drop BB or pay $40, I'll post later as to what I'm looking for in the way of a pastime, and what would cause me Hattrick-level irritation.