i really thought about it & had 2 decide
my morals or my victory
i was so often on each side of the fence my head span
but in the end i dont like tanking (even though i may have 2 a little next season 2 get my willy trained @ c, no point paying a C not 2 play) & i dont like playing li/m2m every game just 2 win & i dont like rentals which despite what every1 thinks pawel wasnt, if i stay up he stays, if i demote he obviously has 2 go
sure i could have done any of those things & if i won every1 would respect me but me
so in the end i had 2 decide what was more important winning by tanking then renting & playing li/m2m or by trying 2 do it my way even if i fail
this is no criticism of any1 else we all play the way we want 2 play & u know how competitive i can be
i do some dirty things, havent been above day trading when the market was a lot better
but i want 2 compete hard every season, i want 2 give kobe the ball in the 4th and watch him bring it home, i want 2 train my own draft picks even if they r a little crap, its just how i roll
so it has been great, brilliant, awesome, fantastic & sexy being here but if i have 2 go i go