So. How do you know you are better in rebounds? Ratings says different. He had HCA as well, we dont know about enthusiasm, maybe crowd involvement coach as well for him? These are factors in his favour. He was very good at rebounding, he crushed you in rebounds (cca 86% to 55%). That is HUGE difference. On the other hand he had 8 more turnovers what helped you.
Now matchups:
POS/OFF (pts)/DEF (pts)/NET (pts)
PG/0,87 (13) / 1,91 (21) / -1,04 (-8)
SG/ 1,17 (14) / 1,08 (14) / +0,09 (0)
SF/ 1,56 (28) / 0,72 (13) / +0,84 (+15)
PF/ 1,11 (10) / 1,04 (24) / +0,07 (-14)
C/ 1,14 (25) / 1,18 (20) / -0,04 (+5)
You were more efficient at SF and slightly on SG and PF. But you ended up +1 in pts only! He was better at PG spot and slightly at C and that gave him +3 pts.
Your guards lacks inside shot (and at least Upeslacis defense?) while your opponent has these spots covered, your guards are more drivers without IS,ID and his are more IS,ID players. His PF was the key pretty much. He defended very well your PF, but your PF was pretty efficient anyway (maybe from pass shots?). On the other your PF had problems in defending his PF (his own shots).
So combination of AWAY game (enthusiasm,speciality coach) and not most suitable tactic from your side were the biggest reasons of your lost. He is built up better for tactic used and you couldnt manage to exploite more of his problems like SFs OD and maybe bigs OD. Your center looks better than his..
1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching