Newbies should use TPE anyway, I know I looked at it when I started. If a newbie overprices his players it would be a good lesson to learn. Newbies also do not play with the prices (how much I could get for this guy max) they usually list them below their market value.
Quitting is a hard word, if this small change, remember not everyone sells players daily/weekly (some even sell less than a player in months). If this makes you quit, you did not have intrest in this game anyway.
Right now I could keep my lowest skilled player on transfer list forever (let's say for 2mil), someone might eventually misclick and give me that cash. Or buy a cheap 2k salary dude and keep him listed for those potential newbies. Who then use their starting cash for this scrub. With this proposal I would be taxed for that player every time 3k (for listing him at 300k), that's 6k a week with 2 listings. Would make you think doesnt it?