No, sorry, I didn't even know about this site you are mentioning.. I analized my data with Moutlinho's BB Game Analyzer when I had a supporter and that is why I don't have the data from season 33..
at the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, something that daunts people with self-respect and intelligence, qualities that do not burden me, would it be worthwhile to train team passing?i could imagine this working most effectively, if it worked at all, with a team in the mid- to late-20s, but i wonder if it would be the most efficient way to bring along the greatest number of players. it is my opinion that what is needed to make an offense work is not simply a single passer but an offense that utilizes all players who can handle the ball and pass. if this is true, absolute levels of JS/JR are less important and, in addition, the training could work without distorting starting lineups (playing C at PG for example).