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BB España > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: jesmarva

This Post:
304526.54 in reply to 304526.26
Date: 6/4/2020 5:48:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
If I take your first message in the national team speeches thread, the one in 304525.3, and I copy in Google Translator I obtain what you pasted in 304525.6.

However, there are a few important mistakes in your message. For example, PIB are the letters for Gross Domestic Product in Spanish. Something similar happens with several of your messages in this thread. For example "holocoast" is not a word in Spanish, you probably mean "holocausto".

It looks that you are not studying Spanish nor you have spanish friends checking your messages []

Si copio tu mensaje anterior del hilo de presentación de la U21, el de 304525.3, en Google Translator, se puede comprobar que se obtiene lo que has pegado en 304525.6.

Pienso que ha sido un intento muy chapucero, porque por ejemplo, PIB significa Producto Interno Bruto en español. Y hay más errores en otros mensajes en este hilo.

En mi opinión, ni estás estudiando español ni tienes amigos españoles y al final te vamos a trolear []

¿Podrías mostrarnos un poco más de cómo pensabas comunicarte con los mánagers españoles?

This Post:
304526.57 in reply to 304526.55
Date: 6/4/2020 6:02:01 PM
Súria Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
If my spanish was so good to speak to you guys in spanish, we wouldn't speak in english here:)
Im studying it, you know its never easy to learn a whole new language unfortunately, I tried to study spanish in school and high school, but the school decided to teach French -__-, gotta fix education system one day..

Can we actually go back to a lot more important topics? im sure the guys that already working with U21 and NT will offer some help in the matter of language, also me improving through out the time. I dont wan't to write here in spanish by my own untill it will be good enough for you guys to understand me.

Ask me about rosters, ask me about tactics, ask me about whatever made u curious about Israel U21. Bar or Gal is a great question but its not about the U21;)

Ok then. What do you think about our u21 players this season? And what about next season players? What do you thing they need to change?

PKT desde la Temporada 4

Para ver la imagen en mayor tamaño:
This Post:
304526.58 in reply to 304526.57
Date: 6/4/2020 6:24:41 PM
Floriondos Team
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Si es que ya se sabe que cuando hay 44 mensajes en cualquier hilo del BuzzerBeater es porque se ha esparcido la mierda con un ventilador.
O eso, o es un hilo de desnudos de famosas y de Grullo y Mickópata.

Por mí lo tengo clarísimo: ¡ALONSO, TIENES MI VOTO!


If you already know that when there are 44 messages in any BuzzerBeater thread it is because the shit has been spread with a fan.
Either that, or it's a naked celebrity and Grullo and Mickópata thread.

It's clear to me: ALONSO, YOU HAVE MY VOTE!

Last edited by Cyberfistro / Peskue / Tomateitor at 6/4/2020 6:26:11 PM

This Post:
304526.59 in reply to 304526.58
Date: 6/4/2020 6:40:28 PM
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Pues ni de la.mitad. a estas horas medio dormido y con mas ingles que castellano...Buff

This Post:
304526.62 in reply to 304526.61
Date: 6/5/2020 5:45:54 AM
Súria Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Another example is Xoán Drundín, he was trained the whole last season with 1on1 or jump shot trainings and for my opinion he should've been trained inside skills, he would have less outside skills for next season but he would've help so much more this season, and still will help a lot next season.

Ooh man, you are so funny

Obviously I will not tell you about Xoan's training but you might be surprised.
And of course training him in inside primary abilities with 20 years old with his low potential, would be the best move ever hahahaha

PKT desde la Temporada 4

Para ver la imagen en mayor tamaño:
This Post:
304526.64 in reply to 304526.47
Date: 6/5/2020 6:07:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

Alon is running for your NT we already have a staff member replacing him as a from the runner for the u21 NT and if you wish for him to run your U21 go for it he is a great coach given he is young and have plenty to learn about his ppl skills maybe working with other culture will help him evolve there


I really hope I'm this replacement


Last edited by pamat0 at 6/5/2020 6:08:38 AM
