It sounds to me like you would want to add that performance to some sort of "memorable moments" page rather than the player to a Hall of Fame. Let me think a bit more about that one.
I have several players i would like to be Hall of Famers, but obviously not all of them can make it. So know i have to make a difficult choice, which player to highlight as HOF? Thats what makes it cool.
If i could just slap any half decent player up there it would mean nothing and render it pretty much useless.
And last, what about the possibility to retire the related number?
- raise the games to be eligible (44 are not very much, I think HoF should regard players that have played a long time with your my opinion something like 75-100 games would be more appropriate)
The it is just a simple case for you not to slect any players that have played less than e.g. 75 games.