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Training Speed Analysis (thread closed)

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From: vinnie2k

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381.546 in reply to 381.545
Date: 5/5/2008 6:22:03 AM
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Now with the introduction of potential, I am guessing that the BBs introduced an asymptote into their skill vs training equation, making all this very cool data almost useless.

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381.547 in reply to 381.546
Date: 5/5/2008 7:00:14 AM
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Now with the introduction of potential, I am guessing that the BBs introduced an asymptote into their skill vs training equation, making all this very cool data almost useless.

I think it has to be all taken with a pinch of salt... it has value in guiding people into what trains what but I fear some of the estimations are too optimistic and therefore misleading.... this can lead to misvaluing transfer targets but I have enjoyed the thread and thank all the contributors..

I hope it never really gets completely solved as this is part of the fun of the game...

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381.548 in reply to 381.547
Date: 5/5/2008 9:33:00 AM
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Well, since I started with BB, two seasons ago, training speed has been constantly changing... When there's some useful data, BBs change the speed :)

And I like it that way... I don't wanna know when my players need to pop... I just log in every Friday and count pops :) And that's fun... When you know exactly how many of your players will improve, that's pretty boring...

From: Huzzel

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381.549 in reply to 381.541
Date: 5/5/2008 11:35:36 AM
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Is that 1 on 1 for forwards or guards?

This Post:
381.550 in reply to 381.545
Date: 5/5/2008 11:49:42 AM
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Hello dear WFU03, almighty deliverer of usefull information,... (hehe).

I'd like you to make a little change to the Free Trows training speed.

I've been training this item for a while now and noticed that 2 weeks would be most accurate. I don't know for players older then 25 though, as my 34 year old doesn't seem to want to pop anymore...
But up to 25 it is definatly 2 weeks. I base this info on 16 players aging 18 to 26. 1 time a player (19) pops 2 weeks in a row. 1 time a player (21) didn't pop until his 3rth week. Al other cases the pops occured every 2 weeks. So I think it is safe to say it is 2 weeks.

greetings, and keep up the good work.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
381.552 in reply to 381.551
Date: 5/6/2008 12:18:55 PM
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which bug, when was it resolved

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381.553 in reply to 381.550
Date: 5/6/2008 12:27:59 PM
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You have a right - I'm expecting every second week a pop on FT and I always get that

This Post:
381.555 in reply to 381.554
Date: 5/6/2008 1:41:29 PM
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I've been trying to a while to figure out whether training forwards affects the JS-IS combo, as opposed to the JS-JR for guards (that would be the Jump Shot and One on one training regimes). Maybe you have some evidence?

i am not sure if I understood u correctly but yes 1 on 1 for forwards trains both JS and IS and I am pretty sure both of it takes 4-5 weeks per pop.
