Who would have thought at the start of the season that both 6th and 7th in the Great 8 would be able to survive
Wasnt just the start of the season that I was reading posts on how the teams in the relegation zone in the Great 8 would struggle against the huge bank vaults of their likely competition from the Big 8.
Hadders is obviously a quality manager and Datzilla has been cruelled by an injury.
I obviously got lucky with a couple of good acquisitions and sales towards the end of the season and was especially lucky that Shanmag took pity on me.
I expect her, Yoda & Iwen to come back to the ABBL and firmly entrench themselves there.
Datzilla will have a major decision to make about his roster as the salary of Duffman is almost unsustainable in Div 2
Now that the regulation season is over the MVP will be adjudged.
Not that Im biased or anything but Pedrosa has had a consistant season and matched it with players who are paid twice as much.
He probably wont get a vote, so who will win it?
Last edited by Sid Vicious at 1/23/2012 3:16:47 AM