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Suggestions > Minor suggestions 3

Minor suggestions 3 (thread closed)

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273519.549 in reply to 273519.548
Date: 8/3/2017 6:55:16 AM
2 .Wohnkomplex
Overall Posts Rated:

at first, by "talent on the transfer market" i meant already developed players. Not some rookies. If you search the market for players with at least 30k salary for a maximum 1,5 mio transfer money you literally see 80% of 33+ years old players. This game is dying. Or is it already dead?
I remember a time, when it was fun to check the transfer market for players. Now it's a terrible grind, frustrating. At least for me it's definitely no fun at all, to choose between 35 year old players.

And buying some 18 year olds to train them isnt the same then drill your own rookies. You can always buy some trainees but it does not feel the same. I can only repeat myself, this is a game. A sports game simulation and a big part of this is to grow own young players.

To the 1-position training i should add, that it replaces the effect of 2 position training. So the training speed of 2-position should be the current speed of 1-position. We desperately need more players in this game.

The playoff system has the same flaw as the draft in my opinion. It makes no sense in this game. What are playoffs good for intentionally? Right, make sure, that the better team takes the win in general. Reduce the influence of luck/bad luck. This is why you send teams into a playoff series. But here you play 3 month of the regular season just to play a playoff "series" of 1 game. If you have 1 injury and 2 fouled out players during this 1 game you're screwed and the 3 months long season was for the trash can. I dont get it, it does the complete opposite of what playoffs should do. It fuel the randomness of this game.

So, if we need playoffs, it has to be at least a 3 game series.

Last edited by fuchsi_love at 8/3/2017 6:58:24 AM

This Post:
273519.550 in reply to 273519.549
Date: 8/3/2017 8:13:21 AM
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I completely agree that the transferlist is in need of trained players. But in order to achieve this we need managers to develop players. So instead of completely getting rid of the draft, the amount of talent in it should simply be increased. Reducing the number of useless players in the draft as they have already done is not enough. We need more top tier youngsters in the draft. This would increase the chance of drafting a useful player, so managers would be able to train their homegrown players while still slightly favouring the worst teams.

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273519.551 in reply to 273519.550
Date: 8/3/2017 12:26:50 PM
2 .Wohnkomplex
Overall Posts Rated:
But in order to achieve this we need managers to develop players.

Absolutely correct. And i think these ideas could help to motivate more managers to train their players. It's more appaeling to train your homegrown players and do that with the effectiveness of 1-position training on 2 position. This alone would - technically- double the amount of trained players, which leads to - technically again - an increased number of desirable players on the transfer market.

This overaged player pool is sucking out the rest of life from this game, i fear.

This Post:
273519.552 in reply to 273519.551
Date: 8/3/2017 5:26:53 PM
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And I completely agree with you. An increase in training speed would be wonderful. But making 2 pos training as effective as 1 pos training is right now might be too radical a change for bb.l

From: Siwy

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273519.554 in reply to 273519.552
Date: 8/4/2017 2:56:03 AM
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However, 75% effectivness for 2-position also doesn't work, I guess that maybe 5-10% users use it. Maybe a value from something between, like 85-90%, would be the best choice?

Leniwy, stary, wyliniały kocur. Czasem jeszcze zerknie na polskie tłumaczenia.
This Post:
273519.555 in reply to 273519.553
Date: 8/4/2017 6:27:13 AM
2 .Wohnkomplex
Overall Posts Rated:
Maybe, my brother. But at this point i'd prefere that over the situation that we currently have. And i dont see an alternative solution. The market needs to be flushed with new, young players anytime soon.

And to be honste, whenever i check the market for some usable players i never have the feeling, that a doubled number of players, that i would like to have in my team from the offered guys, would break the game. Just because they're so rare.

I scroll through the 300 available players (fitting my search conditions) and basically 270 of them are trash in my eyes. So...i guess it's better to change something drastically instead of letting it run like this for another 2 years.

Have a nice weekend, boys.

This Post:
273519.556 in reply to 273519.553
Date: 9/15/2017 6:10:32 PM
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This is something slightely stupid and easy to fix:

Each and every nation it's own country. when u select a nation, it points you in the general direction of where that nation lies on the world map. however, there are 2 exceptions to that rule:

1) Utopia
This currently points to North American continent. While i don't really mind it too much, i just find that odd. Why not have it point to the north or south pole? Or Svalbard? Or Greenland? Or some small imaginary island in one of our oceans? just don't point it towards an existing continent. But i understand that it has to point to somewhere.

2) Nations of Africa
This is the one that i find somewhat hilarious. If you look up the suggested location for Nations of Africa, it shows.... The North American Continent %} 8} . Not sure what happened here, but atleast point it to the African continent!

From: SirValge

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273519.557 in reply to 273519.1
Date: 9/16/2017 10:47:08 AM
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I'm not aware whether such a suggestion has been already proposed, but would it be too hard to add a feature to the game planning mode where you set the minutes played for each player (like in NBA 2K games), cause I would really like all my 10 players playing to reach 48 minutes of game time with 2 games (so I would set the minutes for each player to 24, of course presuming that they don't foul out or get injured (exclude force majeure).

Last edited by SirValge at 9/16/2017 11:30:25 AM

From: Wickin

This Post:
273519.559 in reply to 273519.558
Date: 9/17/2017 5:39:24 PM
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A couple minor suggestions:

Change the hyperlink of "Current Transfers" on the Manage My Team page, to a page that actually shows your current transfers:
Current situation:
Desired situation:

Add a dropdown filter to the Player History page, where users can select the type of events they would like to see.
In this way, I can get a clear overview on, for example, all transfers or all MVP votings. Just like the dropdown filter on the Economy page.
Not sure whether this is considered a minor change, but would be a great addition to a frequently used page, in my opinion.
Affected page:

Move the "change ticket prices" block a little more on top of the Arena page.
Since adjusting the ticket prices happens more often now, the input boxes shouldn't be at the bottom of the page.
Suggested order (in order of what we use most):
1. Arena Capacity
2. Attendance History
3. Change Ticket Prices
4. Expand Arena
5. Change Arena Name

Last edited by Wickin at 9/17/2017 5:40:22 PM
