(228847.33)i'm hoping it's going to change something, either the wage of SB ( making it less and thus more interesting to train to shut down that LI domination) or that it becomes more effective at lower lvls.
Either way, looks like something will be done about that SB domination.
As for outside tactics. All NT's have minimum OD 18 on all guards nowadays. Many NT's even have some OD 19 or 20's aswell. To make a guard able to shoot at a respectable rate against an OD 20 defense, we're talking about JS 20 JR 16 or something allong those lines. And that is a massive amount of salary, and we're not even including the OD, HA or DR on the guard.
Just to give an idea: JS 20 JR 16 OD 18 ( assuming all other skills are attrocious) is 171k salary. and you've got no other skills to add.
if you consider this guard:
JS 20 JR 16
OD 18 HA 18
DR 18 PA 14
IS 1 ID 1
RB 1 SB 1
and you'r talking about 190k in salary for a player who can only play outside... If you assume his Rebounding is lvl 5 with the same skillset, you are talking about 243k in salary, which no team wants to spend on a guard. So to get those numbers, you need to find a guard with a RB Atrocious ( which isn't exactly every interesting for the NT). So that is why it's just to problematic to get outside players. First off all, nobody wants to train em anymore cause it's so much more salary efficient to make a LI guard and second of all it's just nearly impossible to sustain such a guard, even in a top lvl. top BBBL salary is 900k if i'm not mistaken. if you shelf out 180k for just 1 guard ( you'll need another one) so that is 360k on just 2 guards. you still gotta get a SF, PF and C with some sort of bench.
So again, it just isn't interesting for people to train outside players anymore... in the guards who have a shot at NT selection some day, all of them are currently getting trained ( or have been trained) in IS. making the normal Passing PG or SG just doesn't work anymore at the NT lvl. The best example of it is Deseure. He's a terrific guard. One that i would have on the NT roster if we'd play outside. However, since we don't have guards that are strong enough to play outside at the NT lvl ( and Deseure for that matter would probably wouldn't be effective enough to be a starter, yet he's our best outside shooter) i opted to leave him out of the NT this season in favor of getting a guard who has got JR to some extend, but who would have a much bigger impact if we were to chose to play inside tactics ( which we've done in almost every game...)
At the NT lvl, it's come down to who can field players to have the biggest possible mismatch on the field. most teams all have competent bigs, so now it's a battle between who has the most IS on the guards to win the games. it's a shame, but that is how things are at the NT lvl.
England has got this insane SG called Sharpling, who was on the TL recently. JS 20 JR 15 OD 20 SG. He's most probably the best SG there currently is on BB. And his RB lvl 2 gives him 230k wage for next season ( assuming they don't change anything to the salary calculations formula). 230k for that guard is one hell of a lot for just 1 guard... his RB lvl 2 doesn't make him very interesting for the NT in terms of secundairies... just imagen RB 5 on his skillset, and you'r looking at 275k salary.
just to say, the match right now really is in favor of making LI teams. but once the BB's change the GE to make Outside tactics slightely more interesting, i'm pretty sure that people will pay top dollar for that SG. Problem is, do you want to take the risk at buying such a player now or not (And the same arguement can be made about do you want to risk training a player to a simular skilllvl or not)
Last edited by AthrunZala at 2/19/2013 1:14:33 PM