Sami Pölönen is a star, no doubt the reason you dominated your league. 22. Will kick butt in division IV.
Ramo Kabeljić is solid but would love just a few more pops. 21.
Oliver Cabaltera useful and can obviously play PG too.
Jan Warzecha too weak and too old. Ditch.
Andris Ranka was good enough for V but the defence will hurt. I would try to replace.
Ponciano Cano worthless turd. You don't really play him and his atrocious rebounding at SF do you?
Roni Rashkovski 24, bad and you are wasting training on this guy when you could be polishing Sami and Ramo? This guy will never be good.
No-name 22 hopeless and being trained. Why?
Alejandro Gariza rock solid!
Valter Tündik is exactly the sort of unbalanced player I hate the most. Sell him to some sucker.
So really I only see 4 useful guys Sami, Ramo, Oliver and Ale. You should get some 18 or 19 year olds to train with Sami and Ramo.