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Lvl 4 or Lvl 5 Trainer

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240497.55 in reply to 240497.54
Date: 4/16/2013 10:46:06 AM
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So you think that you can get a MVP pot. player up to 110-120 TSP by 26 with a level 4 trainer? That is crazy talk!!....even with the perfect height/ and a starting TSP of 65(that would be 5 averages and 5 respectables)....and I am not talking about 20 driving and 20 handles, I'm talking about primaries with great secondaries.....example
a 6'6 SF/PF with 120 TSP at 26
Jump Shot: tremendous Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: tremendous Handling: tremendous
Driving: wondrous Passing: strong
Inside Shot: marvelous Inside Def.: prodigious
Rebounding: wondrous Shot Blocking: strong

That would be impossible with a level 4 trainer...
Common knowledge is this....all great NT level players are built with level 6 or 7 trainers.
As a U-21 manager, I tell all the owners of my U-21 players....5 is cool, 6 is great, 7 is the best
most guys with 4's, their players get left behind. and when the Level 7 trainer owners start submitting their data, you will see a big difference.

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240497.57 in reply to 240497.56
Date: 4/16/2013 10:55:05 AM
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Here is the question... What level trainer are you using?

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240497.58 in reply to 240497.55
Date: 4/16/2013 10:55:50 AM
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Obviously a player will train faster with a higher level trainer so obviously you're going to build an NT player faster with a higher trainer. I'm not questioning that. But I still think that I could cap an MVP pot player with a level 4 trainer and you haven't really presented anything in your post that proves otherwise.

Listen, I could be dead wrong, I would just like to see concrete proof first rather than 'common knowledge'. There has been tons of common knowledge shared on these boards over the years that ended up being proven wrong.

U21 is a different beast because you've got so little time to make them quality players. So the higher the trainer obviously the better a players chances at making U21. Not sure why you added that to your reply because it doesn't have anything to do with capping players.

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240497.60 in reply to 240497.58
Date: 4/16/2013 11:10:31 AM
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The U-21 years are the prime training years. if don't don't take a big enough bite out of their cap space by 22, you won't reach their cap. That is why I included the U-21 stuff. An MVP being capped with a level 4 trainer...maybe a no secondary freak, maybe....but I still doubt that.
I track a lot of players for my U-21...and level 4 trainers get about 2-3 less pops a season compared to a level 6(that is OD/ID work BTW). In 6 seasons, that is a minimum of about 12 pops. That is huge if we are talking about OD/ID/IS/pass.
The only reason why I am even posting in here is that one of my U-21 players owners read this thread and actually started to believe that a level 4 was good enough. I don't want him to waste an MVP player with a level 4. I am hoping that by posting in here, he will keep his 6.

Last edited by Yellow cake at 4/16/2013 11:11:23 AM

This Post:
240497.63 in reply to 240497.60
Date: 4/16/2013 11:52:06 AM
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Sorry but your U21 trainer discussion still doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you can cap a MVP player with a level 4 trainer which was the statement you made that I disputed. I'm still confused on why you brought it into the discussion.

I'm not trying to be a dick but could you please provide the proof that a level 6 trainer would provide 'a minimum of about 12 pops' over 6 seasons more than a level 4 trainer because the training data doesn't appear to agree with that assessment.

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240497.64 in reply to 240497.63
Date: 4/16/2013 12:19:13 PM
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Sorry but your U21 trainer discussion still doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you can cap a MVP player with a level 4 trainer which was the statement you made that I disputed. I'm still confused on why you brought it into the discussion.

18-21 is the prime time years for training. You have to get a good enough base by 22 to be able to finish off(CAP) a MVP POT player by 26. I feel like I am repeating myself. Age 18-21 and Age 22-26 are totally different. Training slows down with age, so talking about the 4 fastest years of training when discussing about CAPPING a player is very important and should be brought into the discussion. And I don't think a level 4 trainer can get you a good enough base to be able to cap a MVP, it just isn't going to be doable.
'm not trying to be a dick but could you please provide the proof that a level 6 trainer would provide 'a minimum of about 12 pops' over 6 seasons more than a level 4 trainer because the training data doesn't appear to agree with that assessment.

Sorry...I am not going to release training info on players that are currently on my countries NT team. But if you want to see it for yourself, either buy a level 6/7 trainer are become a U-21/NT coach. There you can see all levels of training and trainers(mainly 5-7).
So here is my question to you.....If you become a U-21 coach, and a manager asks if a level 4 trainer is good enough....Would you tell him YES?

This Post:
240497.65 in reply to 240497.62
Date: 4/16/2013 12:30:09 PM
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Still, not everybody can afford to pay them. I fear to say it, but here we go, as member of a small country you have some easy money to let you pay the L6/7 you have. This is not the case everywhere. A guy who wants to succeed with his club shouldn't pay L6/7 unless he is in a country where the money is relatively easy to get.

Myself, I had to change from 5 to 4 this week-end because I'm short on money for the end of the season.

Wolph is that you!!
Not the small country vs big country thing again. and how is the money EASY to get when I have to stay above a 360K salary floor? What is your league average for salary? What is your leagues floor? Teams with under 400K in salary this season are going to be demoted. Relatively easy to get...You make me laugh....Hahahahahaha!!
BTW...My level 7 trainer coast me 6K and he makes 78K a week in salary. That is money well spent for the pops!!!

Last edited by Yellow cake at 4/16/2013 12:30:27 PM
