Even if with the new GE outside tactics will be as good as inside ones, outside-oriented players are still much more expensive to build than inside-oriented ones. Do you plan to fix that ?
While we are at it, can we also do something to counter reverse patient? Just like 5-player-teams, it is simply not realistic.
On the 19/12 season news you announced the new GE implemented from the following Saturday, someone rightly so are questioning this (307740.1). Has the new GE been implemented yes or no? If not, why this delay?
Could you add more match statistics?A better "total efficiency" number was planned but was stopped due to some basic stats missing, like block attempts. Once we update the GE to have those, we'll add both to the stats.
Did you ever consider a decrease in stamina values. For example is it possible to make that a guy can play 48 minutes in a match only if he has legendary stamina level. If less, player has to be substituted with another player or lucky fan. Basically there should be meassures to prevent ~7 or less player teams in the game. I think stamina could be simple solution to that.A good suggestion. We'll consider it and get back to you.