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6831.554 in reply to 6831.553
Date: 2/26/2013 11:46:54 AM
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de markt is sterk geevolueerd de laatste paar seizoenen.

Vroeger wilde iedereen C's hebben. je trainde een C op tot IS 14 ID 14 RB 14 en je kreeg er al gauw 1M voor. Echter, eens dat de salarissen gedaald zijn, moest je langer trainen om een deftige prijs te krijgen, want iedereen wilde betere spelers + de andere maangers trainden ook C's tot dat niveau.

Sinds de laatste GE aanpassing, willen managers spelers met andere skills. Tegenwoordig zijn pure C's ( IS, ID, RB en SB) bijna waardeloos in je wedstrijd. zet er een C met JS tegenover een pure C ( eentje met IS, ID, RB en SB, maar bijna geen OD) en die zal massa's scoren met zijn JS ( en je C zal wrs fouten maken en moeten gaan zitten).

De markt voor SF's en PF's is sterk gestegen, daar die voor 'normale' spelers zwaar gedaald is. Volgend seizoen gaat er weer een verandering komen in de GE ( BB-Marin heeft hierover gesproken dat er iets zou veranderen in SB, dat waarschijnlijk zou kaderen in het trachten een einde te maken aan de Blik naar Binnen dominatie die er heerst). Dan zullen andere karakteristieken belangrijker worden voor bepaalde posities, en dus verandert de vraag en aanbod in de transfermarkt weer.

Wat je spelers betreft, je kan nog altijd hoge prijzen krijgen voor spelers hoor. je moet ze alleen maar zodanig trainen dat ze speciale eigenschappen hebben om hen interessant te maken ( zoals IS/ID op guards, guardskills op Centers, etc...)

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6831.555 in reply to 6831.554
Date: 2/26/2013 2:51:34 PM
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Dus eigenlijk moet sinds een paar seizoenen iedereen alles kunnen...

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6831.556 in reply to 6831.555
Date: 2/26/2013 4:23:28 PM
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min of meer. een leger van SF's dat heb je nodig :P

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6831.557 in reply to 6831.556
Date: 2/27/2013 7:23:34 AM
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ok.. da wordt sparen dus...

From: !ngkor

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6831.558 in reply to 6831.557
Date: 2/27/2013 3:26:56 PM
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De utopie zou zijn allemaal 1ste klas SF, maar dat is niet haalbaar...

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6831.559 in reply to 6831.554
Date: 3/13/2013 4:53:59 AM
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the point is you realy don't need JS20. And JS is a MAJOR wage infulencer. (look at draftees and you will see, a draftee with a number of respectable skills, but low JS costs less then 3 k salary, where a player with only respectable JS costs over 3k wage for sure)

if I would have that JS20, JR15, OD20 player, I'd either play him at SF position, or, if his inside defense is too low to play SF, I'd sell him and buy an other SG. You can have the opinion he's the best SG in BB; but I'm prety sure he's not.
Ok nothing can be said against his OD20, but I'd rather get myself a JS16, JR17 guy instead, and he will cost A LOT less in wage too...

This said, I also don't agree with your statement NT guards need JS20. JS 15 or 16 is high enough, for PG I'd not want one with a higher JS then 12!! But I know we differ on that point of view for a long time now.

JS is the most overrated skill in BB, and it's so crazy people are still willing to pay an excessive amount for it.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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6831.560 in reply to 6831.559
Date: 3/13/2013 8:03:46 AM
Kelmis Spartans
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Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
I may be wrong, but I thought it was JR that had a lot of wage impact. JS is high, but I thought JR to be even higher.

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6831.562 in reply to 6831.561
Date: 3/21/2013 4:28:10 AM
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and here you show how perfect the self fullfilling prophecy is.
Nt coaches base the coice of their players because they want to play LI inside, and not ouside tactics, and then people start claiming LI is a much stronger tactic and dominates the field. Ofcourse, when the selected players are not fit for normal or outside tactics , that inside tactics get dominant
When I talk about players I talk about general performance, not jus for 1 sort of tactics.
So if LI is dominant, it's because people have made it so, and not because the GE isn't balanced (as was claimed before).

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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6831.564 in reply to 6831.563
Date: 3/26/2013 6:48:40 AM
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in a way you say what I say. LI is dominant because it is easiest to get. So, because of people made it so.
I know we will never agree on the JS for PGs. If BB ever makes an application where we can custom make our own players with a given salary, I'd free up time to vreate a team, and you do the same and then we play to battle it out, but I 'm affraid it will never happen.

But it's very stupid to think that JS12 is enough in NT to play an outside tactic!!!

Just take it on the safe side and say you don't share that opinion. To say it is stupid could be hurtfull if it ever gets proven otherwise. ;p

I'm making a PG for the U21 and I have to disappoint everyone, because I will not train him Js, and it's not high on it's own either. therefor chances are the U21 coach might not want to let him play. But if he wants to use my PG, he's free to select him. He won't be a scoring machine, but in my opinion PGs are not meant to be... Anyway, I'm prety positive his performance as a PG, will be good.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.