Back within this post are the suggestions of how to facilitate a buy back
1. Yes, you have a buy back button, if used, the manager is charged, either current bid on that player or a market value ( Although this would be difficult with the value system being so inept)
2. You simply dont have a buy back option, and take the view that once a player is on the market, you have made that choice, so encourage caution and make people aware of the risk involved of their choice
3. You may wish tio employ sytem 1 but only allow a team to do it once ot twice a season
4. You could charge a team the tax penalty they would have incurred if the player was sold for market value ( Determined by current bid or a default value for that type of player
5. You could just employ a tax rate , for example only ,Div 3 teams $150,000 per player , Div 2 $200,000 per player and so on
These are just ideas and I am sure not perfect, but atleast they do not involve any corrupt behaviour and if everyone knows the situation of a new system then we can all be responsible for the outcome.
I do not agree with the red flag comment, well not completely, sometimes it does mean he is above value, but many players actually go for less than they should in the market as well, so it doesnt always mean what you claim.
I agree the word VALUE mean so many different things based on so many variables at different times of the season, I personally think the one value that should not be allowed within the ever changing market conditions is a fake interference for a " sleazy " or as i call it, corrupt reason.
It seems that the dispute with this is the buy back option, as I said before, nobody agrees with managesr even having the opportunity to price kick their players in the market for the simpe reason or trying to get more money, so I cannot get away from that surely a new system need to be sort that stops an action that nobody has got a good word about, and then work out a system for a buy back option.