No need to be sarcastic, it doesn't make you sound any smarter.
You can buy a dvd from England, because you understand English... I can't buy a dvd in Germany (regardless of price), because I don't speak or understand enough of the language. This is a completely different arguement..
Whats being suggested is that 'poorer countries' pay less for supporter features.. Which is wrong... $40 is alot for most students, regardless of where they're from.. What about people out of work, can they get supporter free because they don't earn anything? Where does it stop?
I have an idea on how this can be discussed further... Find another online game that implements the ideas suggested here... I GUARANTEE you won't find one because too many people would just leave or stop paying.. Game devs are not stupid people, they know what they're doing, and I hope they know that implementing this would be more detrimental than beneficial...
As for the differing levels, that would work, but like what was said, there would have to be noticable differences between each package, and it would have to be fair for all.
I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I cant accept not trying. - MJ