Bit late to the party but i'll be back for the next season.
Come in and grab a beer, Mr Wolf. (all alcohol supplied courtesy of Trikster's Tavern). The music is still cranking, although we turned it down after Bainsy's missus called the cops who promptly arrived banging on the door with their heads. It was good timing as it helped to break the deadlock between Rad Ranga and Bains who were arm wrestling in the corner.
Big Fish, Yoda and Rob are over there by the punch bowl, half cut and trying to preposition Zyler's ex girlfriends. The Sharks are in the lounge, the Platypi are out back in the sauna and, as you can see, the Calamari are in here. Pick a group, any group. Although, while Yoda is having a word with Tremell, perhaps you and I should talk about this nonsense of you become a platypus.
Excuse me for a moment. (whispering) "Yes, Mr Alvarez, Leeory will be along shortly. Yes, I know you want to clear the air. Why don't you join your fellow platypi in the sauna. Excellent."
Sorry, where were we? Oh yes, there is plenty of food in the kitchen. Help yourself. Trikster should be along soon with some more supplies. Manbagman should also be along anytime now with tonight's entertainment which is...
(feel free to jump in anyone and keep this party interesting)
Last edited by Mr J at 12/1/2012 9:17:04 PM