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Suggestions > New Merchandise Income[Official Thread]

New Merchandise Income[Official Thread]

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315010.56 in reply to 315010.53
Date: 6/18/2022 8:16:33 PM
Wasted Potential
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Hazards to Society
So that's why I'm not against giving more revenue. But I would say that revenue should go to all teams (scaled by division - hence the TV contract mechanism) to let them do as they see fit.

I like the idea of making the TV contracts higher. Additionally, I do think it would do well to reward teams based on the performance of their top player (though not simply by salary). There are already merchandise rewards for having players on the leaderboards and based on their performance. I think it would be a good idea to increase these rewards for the best player on each team.

Exhaustion should bring about an end to the short rosters (at least rosters of 5 or 6). In my experience with it, you have to run at least 7 players and even running 7 is very risky. If anything goes wrong with substitution patterns, an injury, or a foul out you are in danger of losing a huge amount of performance. I currently run 7 as my roster was primarily put together before the changes. In the future I will build a team of 8 main players.

As for teams affording 3-5 very high salary players (which was mentioned by other players), I am one of them. The total salary for my roster is a few hundred thousand per week above anyone in the NBBA other than Apex. It is completely unsustainable for my team and nor do I think it should be sustainable. However, it will always be a thing and what is required to win at the top levels (especially b3) so long as there is no harsher penalty for having such a high salaried team. I would gladly accept a penalty that makes it near impossible to go over certain amounts in salary and would reduce to 1-2 stars on my team surrounded by other players. But since it is currently viable to do so, I am going to do it in order to have the best chance at success in BBM, NBBA, and the cup (and also as I enjoy helping the NT).

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315010.57 in reply to 315010.56
Date: 6/18/2022 10:22:22 PM
The LA Lions
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As for teams affording 3-5 very high salary players (which was mentioned by other players), I am one of them.

I wasn't criticizing the way you or anyone else run their team, I was just criticizing the idea that giving you more money will discourage how you run your team. I think the logic in the first few paragraphs of the OP is sound, a 15% rebate for the highest salary on the team is fair for everyone, leaves room for strategy and advantage or mistakes, and increases the value of training while raising the ceiling on salary-efficient players and multi-skilled players, as you noted. I could see quite a few people learning to enjoy helping an NT somewhere in order to maximize the salary relief.

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315010.58 in reply to 315010.57
Date: 6/18/2022 10:25:36 PM
Wasted Potential
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Hazards to Society
Makes sense. I actually think a better system would stop teams from running as high of a payroll as I do, but I like your points.

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315010.59 in reply to 315010.58
Date: 6/19/2022 4:01:56 AM
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Some sort of cap (or penalties/taxes above a certain treshold) makes perfect sense too.
Though there's several interesting points/ways to make changes that have been mentioned already, it's a matter of trying to find the better way to do it.

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315010.60 in reply to 315010.59
Date: 6/19/2022 6:23:16 AM
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White-Sharks II
To be honest, I disagree with a lot of what is said here.

The idea right now might not be perfect. But BB is trying to fix a problem everyone knows exist.
Not that long ago there was a forum post here about one of the better players in BB not being sold or sold for a low amount of money, because his salary was to high. Like Alonso said this problem will also increase further just because we are going to need deeper roster which means that teams with low amount of players with high salary will be penalized. This only further decreases the higher salary players value. Which means that training a player will get less profitable if you want to sell him and make a direct profit on training.

Giving a boost to merchandise sales based on the salary will be some sort of solution for that because basically the net income difference between a player of 150K and 250K will be lower than it was before, which will probably increase the value of a player who has 200K salary. But the same thing can be said for a player of 100K salary for a div3 team over a player of 50K salary. So this could increase the value of a lot of players in turn making training more profitable.
And it makes sense as well, a player like lebron sells more merchandise than a player like kyle kuzma. Yes you could say that that is because of performance not because of his salary but doing that would mean that a player who played in the bb3 and played for a div1 championship multiple times would give back more money than a player who is just as good but is trained from the start by a player who started in div4 which would not be good for game balance.

Changing the salary formula or adding a max salary for example might also help, but are a lot harder to code like they said and this is something that can help as soon as next season and give some sort of a solution.
Just giving teams more money on other ways won't fix that problem in a way it does here.

The fatique adjustment which will be implemented next season will discourage players to get 3 stars while the money adjustment will encourage players to buy 1 or 2.

What it does is:
1. Increases the value for higher salary players, not just 250K salary players but what is seen as high salary player on every level.
2. increase profitablilty on training high level players
3. In combination with the fatigue adjustment the game will be more balanced.

I think it's a great idea, maybe it's not perfect but it will help.
I've also seen people saying the percentage should be higer. that could be better, or that it should be the highest 2 players giving a 15-10% boost of their salary. Which could potentially be better but I would say start with 1 player of 15% see how it goes next season and adjust the season after.

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315010.64 in reply to 315010.61
Date: 6/20/2022 12:51:08 AM
Team Payabang
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There were some good old suggestions that Devs can consider... That the cost of Training could also be added to the Fan Survey... It could be also good if they'd make another section there that is directly relative to the cost of Training Facilities, Staffs and the Training Exemptions...

another source of incentive idea:

on of the Browser Managerial games I have played (goal Line Blitz 2) have a system that they can choose one of their Trainees to enter a pool of Rosters that will be divided into teams grouping of the players based on age and preferred possitions... and with a daily scheduled time those will automatically play a game against another... Play-by-play results are viewable, and some player incentives are awarded based on the player's performance... Probably if Devs can also implement this system... Daily Login with a goal of entering their Trainee into these "daily challenges" with little incentives... will both be positive for both the Managers and buzzerbeater site too from advertisements...

incentive calculation could be ((positive Rating * 100)*x) where x is a multiplier based on age or group bracket...

This Post:
315010.65 in reply to 315010.61
Date: 6/20/2022 5:14:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
White-Sharks II

This is one thing I'd like to understand more.

Personally, I don't see low transfer prices on high salary players as a problem. That number alone does not reflect the total value of the player.

I see what you mean. And I agree with that somewhat. I get why people aren't bidding on players like that as I am not doing it myself. There are probably some cases when like you said some players are still valuable but usually it's not the case.
And I see why and it are reasonable economic decisions. But like you already said, training a player costs money even if you don't take into account the players salaray it's an easy 50K a week for the first to seasons and 25k+ a week after that. And that is cheap while not including the buildings (because you probably don't NEED them to build a good player to sell).
Some managers want to train players to make a profit so they can build on there savings which in the future they can use to make a contender. And I think that a change like this one were the players salary gives back a percentage of money will help manager to turn a profit on their trainees easier. Especially when they train them for longer and max them out.

From: DPS
This Post:
315010.66 in reply to 315010.65
Date: 6/20/2022 8:17:33 PM
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Not going to work because completely unfair. Those in lower leagues shouldn't be looking to add expensive players. This means that higher league teams basically have more merchandise for free. And encourages more NT farms with 250k player in D4/5.

Last edited by DPS at 6/20/2022 8:21:50 PM
