I have several players i would like to be Hall of Famers, but obviously not all of them can make it. So know i have to make a difficult choice, which player to highlight as HOF? Thats what makes it cool.
If i could just slap any half decent player up there it would mean nothing and render it pretty much useless.
And last, what about the possibility to retire the related number?
- raise the games to be eligible (44 are not very much, I think HoF should regard players that have played a long time with your team...in my opinion something like 75-100 games would be more appropriate)
The it is just a simple case for you not to slect any players that have played less than e.g. 75 games.
I'm still thinking that it would be "strange" to see players inducted in the HoF with so little games, but probably it's not my business if someone desire to do it...
but if someone wants to do it then why not?