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6831.564 in reply to 6831.563
Date: 3/26/2013 6:48:40 AM
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in a way you say what I say. LI is dominant because it is easiest to get. So, because of people made it so.
I know we will never agree on the JS for PGs. If BB ever makes an application where we can custom make our own players with a given salary, I'd free up time to vreate a team, and you do the same and then we play to battle it out, but I 'm affraid it will never happen.

But it's very stupid to think that JS12 is enough in NT to play an outside tactic!!!

Just take it on the safe side and say you don't share that opinion. To say it is stupid could be hurtfull if it ever gets proven otherwise. ;p

I'm making a PG for the U21 and I have to disappoint everyone, because I will not train him Js, and it's not high on it's own either. therefor chances are the U21 coach might not want to let him play. But if he wants to use my PG, he's free to select him. He won't be a scoring machine, but in my opinion PGs are not meant to be... Anyway, I'm prety positive his performance as a PG, will be good.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6831.566 in reply to 6831.565
Date: 4/4/2013 2:46:15 AM
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ok, then not all is lost.
but I don't train one on one, as it is always double position training, and trains slower then single position. So the secundary JS pops from one on one will not be there. ;p

indeed I also think OD/HA and passing should be taken as high as possible for the U21, and that's what I'm doing now.
OD is already at a decent lvl. So the remainder of the season will be passing and handling to get them to the same lvl.
Since I am not very active , I don't even know how many weeks I have left. :s

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
From: akado
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6831.567 in reply to 6831.566
Date: 5/8/2013 9:39:16 AM
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Nu ben ik het beu!!!!

Ik zoek al voor langer als een maand naar een geschikte, betaalbare PF. Nu heb ik hem echt nodig!!!!

kan iemand helpen??

From: Laur3ns

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6831.568 in reply to 6831.567
Date: 5/8/2013 12:07:03 PM
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Wat is je budget ongeveer? :)
Hoeveel ben je bereid uit te geven?

From: akado

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6831.569 in reply to 6831.568
Date: 5/9/2013 1:18:10 AM
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Ik ben bereid om alles uit te geven, momenteel heb ik 'maar' 185k maar daar komt elke week 40k bij

This Post:
6831.570 in reply to 6831.569
Date: 6/7/2013 1:32:05 PM
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Drafts are comming up, aswell as election time.

that means keeping taps on many fora, making sure election threads don't spin out of control *sigh*

Last edited by AthrunZala at 6/7/2013 1:32:17 PM

This Post:
6831.571 in reply to 6831.570
Date: 6/26/2013 4:40:46 AM
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Dit is de boxscore van mijn wedstrijd van gisteren tegen 33GERS. Ik had de tactiek op RnG gezet, maar daar dacht de spelcomputer van BB toch lichtjes anders over. Hierdoor heb ik mijn wedstrijd verloren, maar het gaat verder dan dat. Nu heb ik een 0-4 record, 1-3 lijkt toch veel aantrekkelijker voor de fans om naar het stadion te komen en in de fanwinkel het één ne het ander te kopen. Nu zal het nog lang duren eer ik mijn stadion een keer uitverkocht krijg. *zucht*
Dit heeft hardere gevolgen dan gewoon een match die ik niet gewonnen heb.

From: Dartreb

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6831.572 in reply to 6831.571
Date: 6/26/2013 7:11:32 AM
Kelmis Spartans
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Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
I have had the problem once, back when playing in D.2

I had put my line-up, but wasn't taken into account :( I lost of course. This is the only time it happened.

From: akado
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6831.573 in reply to 6831.572
Date: 7/29/2013 4:21:34 PM
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GVD!!!! Voor de derde keer in 3 seizoenen raakt mijn sterspeler langdurig geblesseerd (3 weken, dat kan al tellen)... >:{

This Post:
6831.574 in reply to 6831.9
Date: 1/20/2014 7:22:31 AM
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kheb hetzelfde probleem maar het beste wat je kan doen is nu zoveel mogelijk jonge talenten kopen en trainen, je hebt er dan mss direct veel aan maar de volgende seizoenen kan je er enkel beter van worden.

mvg. Dimi
