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Suggestions > Team Chemistry/Familiarity

Team Chemistry/Familiarity (thread closed)

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199501.57 in reply to 199501.56
Date: 11/5/2011 4:02:54 PM
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Ok, you have no idea of some game mechanism so I rest my cause. Call me coward if you like.
And this is why you are not giving any argument agaist those that I gave. Interesting...

I kept this discussion civil, like I'm doing on every discussion I'm part of until being "attacked".
You are the one who decided to close the discussion after each point you gave had been answered.

In the end, I'm looking at this forum as a place where one suggests feature/s and by discussing about it, every cons and pros is being brought up.
Neither me nor you will decide whether this (nor any other suggestion) is a good one or not. It is the BB job.