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6831.575 in reply to 6831.574
Date: 1/24/2014 10:29:20 AM
KV Forever
Overall Posts Rated:
One of my guards has rating 9 for his free throws.
Still for the entire season he only scores 53% (15/28) of his free throws :(

Hell, even I score more than 53% of my free throws.
You would expect that a player with rating 9 scores a lot higher.
And it can't be his experience, that is 7, which is decent enough to score higher.

So, there it is: my first official complaint! :)
This ain't right! Where's the logic??

This Post:
6831.576 in reply to 6831.575
Date: 1/30/2014 5:41:13 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
I have 3 players rated 9 foe FT, and one goes as low as 50 % while another makes it as high as 81 % ... So I suppose Ft rating is just an increased chance of scoring it, but this is generated FT after FT ... so you can have a bad streak :/

From: Baseman
This Post:
6831.577 in reply to 6831.11
Date: 4/21/2014 3:06:00 AM
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sinds wanneer is die overuitgave belasting aanwezig, wat een klote belasting, dan maak je al eens verlies omdat je je ploeg wilt verbeteren, gaan ze nog meer je zuurverdiende centjes afnemen...

From: LA-kiks

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6831.578 in reply to 6831.577
Date: 4/21/2014 6:12:00 AM
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Sinds begin vorig seizoen dacht ik...

This Post:
6831.579 in reply to 6831.578
Date: 5/20/2014 2:53:34 PM
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3 geblesseerde basisspelers; hoeveel pech kun je hebben :'(

This Post:
6831.580 in reply to 6831.579
Date: 6/27/2014 7:51:37 AM
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due to not looking good at game-time my GS and training is falling down by a week grmbls only Gijs Frans has had his good training :(

From: SnoobS
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6831.581 in reply to 6831.580
Date: 7/31/2014 5:15:52 PM
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Pffff Due to Gijs Frans' Foul-out this week I had to change a bit in my set-ups so gone decent GS for most of the players 6 players haven't played enough and 1-2 have played to much :(

From: Draban

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6831.582 in reply to 6831.581
Date: 8/2/2014 8:38:40 PM
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Lost at home by 1 point due to a bad GDP. Took too many risks on that game when I clearly shouldn't have. Not a disaster but I would have been in a more comfortable position for sure. Well, still learning ...

Last edited by Draban at 8/2/2014 8:40:05 PM

From: SnoobS

This Post:
6831.583 in reply to 6831.582
Date: 8/7/2014 3:35:59 PM
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What a horrible week I have My trainee Rudi Jooris 2weeks injury also today another player got 1week injury on his head.
this can be painfull in de week that is comming because I need that 1 player really fit for action, it's gonna cost me a decent puzzle to make my rosters fit to be able to win my games :(

This Post:
6831.584 in reply to 6831.583
Date: 12/25/2014 6:52:54 PM
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Heb het forum eens doorgenomen en mijn interesse gaat uit naar het: trainen van jonge spelers voor de U21.
Maar eerst en vooral om dit te realiseren heb ik een vraag.

Omdat ik juist begin en in een laag divisie zit waarbij spelers minder sterk zijn betekent dit dat de draft ook minder sterk is ? Divisie I krijgt een betere draft dan divisie III of niet ?
Dus als beginnende coach moet ik eerst zien te promoveren vooraleer ik sterke jongeren kan trainen ?

Coach Kevin

This Post:
6831.585 in reply to 6831.584
Date: 12/26/2014 5:25:21 AM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe

U heeft hetzelfde kans een topspeler in de draft te vinden als in een andere divisie. Ik moet zeggen, een 18 oud MVP speler in BBBL is zeldzaam :)

Veel geluk dan !
