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Bugs, bugs, bugs > ANOTHER attendance bug

ANOTHER attendance bug

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From: Slug

This Post:
303538.58 in reply to 303538.55
Date: 4/2/2020 12:46:45 PM
Slug Bugs
Overall Posts Rated:
I'd say most people would be happy as long as you're able to identify the teams affected and give them some compensation, while also making sure this bug isn't continuing to affect teams, maybe by recalculating all the Fan Surveys.

Though it would be nice to understand the cause, it's probably not necessary since the upcoming switch to the new server should ensure these issues don't happen again.

Last edited by Slug at 4/2/2020 12:55:49 PM

This Post:
303538.59 in reply to 303538.57
Date: 4/2/2020 12:55:19 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
As announced, the adjustment has been made. I will just copy the message of the day here:

"The attendance of the last two regular season 48 matches has been recalculated.

The average match income of all matches before these two has been taken as a benchmark and only a difference with the benchmark has been compensated. The compensation is in form of a GM refund (as seen in the economy page). All in all, almost a third of all human controlled teams received the refund.

The implementation of the recalculation is done against averages due to two reasons: it is impossible to correctly recreate all the needed parameters that affect attendance of that point in time and the cause of the issue is still unknown. We have attempted many adjustments and optimizations in the related code since then, and and hopeful that the same situation will not repeat itself.

Thank you all for you patience and understanding."

Hopefully, this will help with handling the issue. I know it's not perfect, far from it, but it's the best we can do atm.

This Post:
303538.61 in reply to 303538.59
Date: 4/2/2020 4:10:15 PM
Spartan 300
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Spartan Kids
Hey Marin.
My average is over 600k per match in the last few seasons as I know.

Those are the last 2 regular matches from teh last season:
01/02/2020 League Game against BC "Bosna xxl" $ 551 680
08/02/2020 League Game (Televised) against Vertizani $ 515 095

I got no refund?

This is where we hold them!
This Post:
303538.64 in reply to 303538.59
Date: 4/2/2020 6:35:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
This is some BS!
Is this some joke?
My income was around $ 550 000 before.
For last 2,5 seasons - around $ 450 000
And I got compensation - $ 1 973
You lost 3 zeroes.

This Post:
303538.65 in reply to 303538.61
Date: 4/2/2020 10:26:13 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I got a $5000 refund.....hahahahahahahahaha
What a joke.

This Post:
303538.67 in reply to 303538.66
Date: 4/3/2020 3:03:29 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
This is not serious. I have lost something like 300-350k... and I get a 7k refund. And the problem is still there...
