If you just want to point out that I have an "easier" schedule, got lucky to be that high on the ranking and you could be on the same spot as Beerschot Bears is now, fine by me, I'm not into that kind of discussions. :-D
I'm not trying to win anything here, just focused on training and not going to III.
I'm sorry if I was to harsh to you mate. I just pointed out that you have to check the standings after the first 7 games or the 8 after, in between it is a bit pointless to say I'm as high as Estrella and Obira... That's what I meant
But I analysed again, it's just the guys with the highest approximated rating I guess.
Waters only played 4 games in this league
That's 100% correct, so it's actually remarkble he was already 4th in the election, I shall be happy with that and hope to have my players have higher ratings in the futur.
bad GS (always low after being transferred) and he now still is only at 7, it's not that weird he did not got elected.
True as well, but it's improving on the highest tempo possible, one per week after transfer, next week he will be 8 and in play-offs hopefully 9
But let's have some fun in the next few weeks, everything is possible, I'm doing some (bad or good, don't know that yet) transfers as well in my bench team... And I hope my players stay healthy and not getting cut like Harm Sas haha