First of all, I understand what the goal of the game is, and I know the rules, thanks.
My division (since I play in division two in a country with more than 3000 users, not 100 or 200) is such that the difference between the first place team and the last or second last place team is VERY slim.
Last season I made the playoffs and structured my economy in such a way that I could count on more or less a 50k positive income a week.
This season, with two weeks notice, the economy was changed in a way that, without the Cup income (which is ridiculously low, so low infact that the most important teams have had to lose on purpose because fielding a competitive team for the Cup would be financially disasterous), my weekly income goes from -20k to 5k.
Fortunately, I don't have to trim down my team in order to avoid bankrupcy, because if I were to get rid of even one player, my chances of staying in my division would be very very slim.
Now, my question was this:
If, like the previous poster said, I have NO IDEA of knowing how the economy will be structured from one season to the next (actually from one week to the next), how am I supposed to "make long term programs " that will allow me to, as you say, "create a competitive team as well as able to develop them and keeping myself afloat financially"?