My messages are sometimes coded. They relate to the topic in ways that only the true followers can understand. Everyone else will be dust when the Big One hits.
having 1-3 buys of overpaying retardedly high for rookies to train u21/nt with their 4man roster of 1k salary scrubs, and logging on once every 2-3 weeks so they dont go bot and to switch up training..but from what I have heard, having a 10+ season account without a single buy ever or just 1 or 2 in lifetime, sporadically logging in to switch training is very allowable.
What you dont understand is, farm teams are perfectly legal in this game (unfortunately).
I think this is completely fine. Teams who do poorly have a chance to improve their fortunes with a great draft pick. Why is that wrong? Having 4 million to spend and spending it wisely are two different things, and even if they do spend it wisely and promote, good for them. It only proves that the draft system, namely giving the teams that do poorly an opportunity to improve through getting a great draftee, works.