A very good draft has left me with no alternative but to move these players. I am putting these players on the transfer list at the mininum bid so they will hopefully find a team.
(710237) 7foot 22 y/o C with respectable defense. A few training sessions away from becoming a fine center
(710238) 28 y/o SG/SF Great all around skills. 3 respectable ,1 average, and 3 mediocres. Great player if you are training another position and need someone to step in at SF
(710246) 24 y/o PG A good back-up PG. Average skills at: Jump Range, Handling, Passing, Driving, and Inside def.
(712394) 33y/o C A superb old center. Respectable in Inside shot, Inside defense and Rebounding. Could start for almost any team. If I wasn't training at the big positions, he would probably be starting for me right now