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Training Speed Analysis 2

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From: Koperboy

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78242.599 in reply to 78242.597
Date: 8/1/2011 2:30:10 PM
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Dude, you are training two- and three- position training, what do you expect? I was training my 21-y old, 183 cm with one-position Pressure training. Popped every second training like a clockwork. With two and especially three position training, you are giving away a lot of advantage you could have over other teams. Actually, they now have the time advantage on you.

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78242.600 in reply to 78242.595
Date: 8/1/2011 2:36:54 PM
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That's VERY helpful informaiton, thank you! So height plays such a big role in rebounding it's not even funny. I hope it's not the same with IS.

I guess the same is with outside trainings for big men. I can't answer you for 1on1 or passing, but I can say a bit about one-position OD:

I had 21y old, 183 cm and
22y old, 193 cm

The shorter popped every two weeks, the taller every three weeks. And it's only 10 cm!

EDIT: Level 5 trainer.

Last edited by Koperboy at 8/1/2011 2:37:22 PM

From: LaCross
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78242.602 in reply to 78242.38
Date: 8/4/2011 7:12:35 PM
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I wouldn't read all the posts just to find the answer for my question, so I'm sorry if this was already asked and answered.

How many weeks approximately for Free Throws from Atrocious to Respectable, 18 year-old, Perennial Allstar potential, PG 188 cm. I can't stand guards having atrocious FT.

From: GrFlur

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78242.604 in reply to 78242.602
Date: 8/5/2011 4:59:51 AM
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Each training of Free Throws rises the skill 0.50 aprox

But i recomend you to train it only when you play 2 matches a week and you find hard to make all your trainees play 48+ minutes

Meanwhile try to get the most expensive habilities up, like Outside Defense and Passing, as soon as possible

Howl to the Moon, you won't regret it.
This Post:
78242.605 in reply to 78242.602
Date: 8/5/2011 5:19:42 AM
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Given you are in second league, you will probably not play your rookie in competitive games for at least 2-3 seasons. If you train FTs 5-6 times in those seasons, you will be just fine. With Inept FTs, he will still have 55-60% from FT line.

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78242.606 in reply to 78242.605
Date: 8/5/2011 6:20:31 AM
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Thank you all for your quick answers. He received his first training and remained atrocious. The problem is more subtle than training FTs. I have a 20-year-old guard who is on U21 and who is going to be among the most used players next season, when he's 21. But I don't want him there. However, I just got a rookie with wonderfully displaced skills, his only bad side is atrocious FTs. I know I should train him OD, JR and Passing first, but I want to send the message to the U21 coach.

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78242.607 in reply to 78242.606
Date: 8/5/2011 8:36:56 AM
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may I ask why you don't want your guy in the U21? He'll get additional experience for the games he plays there

From: zyler

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78242.608 in reply to 78242.606
Date: 8/5/2011 8:45:59 AM
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this is very confusing , why do you want to ruin three players so 1 player doesnt get into the under 21's

cant u just tell the under 21's manager you dont want him in the team if its that big of a deal ?

im so confused

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